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Opinions of Sunday, 18 September 2016

Columnist: Sarpong, Justice

Dr Nduom was right, President Mahama rejoiced over President Mills death

President John Mahama President John Mahama

By Justice Sarpong

I have read with amazement how some National Democratic Congress (NDC) Officials have responded to Dr. Paa Kwesi Nduom's assertion that some of them rejoiced about the demise of President Mills.

On Thursday July 15th, "The flagbearer of the Progressive People's Party (PPP) Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom accused members of the ruling NDC of rejoicing at the demise of the late President John Mills.According to him, although some NDC members pretend to be hurt by his death, many of their leaders believed that his death paved way for them to retain the presidency in the 2012 elections."

In a sharp rebuttal, two Ndc officials, Kofi Adams, National Organizer of National Democratic Congress (NDC)and Mr Bernard Allotey Jacobs, the Central regional chairman of the NDC, has dared the three-time flag bearer to 'man up' and name any Ndc Official he claimed rejoiced about President Mills death.

I don't know whether Kofi Adams and Allotey Jacobs are playing dumb or senility is setting in because it is not even in doubt amongst their colleagues that they rejoiced about President Mills death especially President Mahama who benefitted the most from Mills demise.

I will just quote three Ndc prominent people who could not even hide their glee about President Mills death and said so in plain English language. This is what the Founder of NDC, Mr J.J Rawlings, Former NDC National woman's Organizer, Anita Desoso and President Mahama said about President Mills death

Mills death - blessing to NDC – Says Rawlings

"But for the passing away of President John Evans Atta Mills, former President Jerry John Rawlings says the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) could not have won the 2012 presidential elections.Speaking in an exclusive interview with Metro TV's Frank Nyonator in Accra, Mr Rawlings, who is the founder of the NDC said, 'Had the good Lord not called Mills away, the NDC would have lost the election as clear as daylight; everybody, we all knew it.'So in a way, his departure was also a blessing,' he emphasized claiming 'that restored some hope"

"The death of President Mills was 'God-sent' because if he had died later than the time he died, the political fortunes of the NDC would have been affected." -Anita Desoso, Former Ndc National Women Organizer"

"The death of President Mills represented a change of the baton to a 'younger generation" -President Mahama

When NDC Party was blaming President Mills death on vilification by his political opponents, deep inside the souls of those who hold sway over this party, the death of President Mills was secretly received in jubilation.

Some of these NDC People saw the fortunes of NDC dwindling with Mills as the Presidential candidate and did pray for his death. With People like Anita Desouzza and President Mahama who said,"The death of President Mills represented a change of the baton to a 'younger generation", is it beyond the realm of any reasonable person to call for the investigation surrounding the death of President Mills when even the bumbling Castle handlers cannot give us the precise time of death?

As long as the family of Mills led by President Mills brother, Cadman Mills and NDC administration continue to fight against any inquiry surrounding the death of President Mills, Ghanaians will continue to speculate how Mills died including murder or suicide ala Dr Kervokian style.

It was crass to see some NDC leaders clapping when Mahama said it was time for those people born after the Independence to rule. Was it that idea he believes in that made him to do everything in his power to force Mills to resign by leaking Mills health information to the public and telling some friends Mills will not return from New York when he went there to seek madical treatment?

It was the leaking of President Mills health information through clandestine avenues to force President Mills resignation that is the bane of Koku Anyidoho and President Mahama's bad blood relationship which Koku Anyidoho who lost more than anybody in Ndc when President Mills died.

President Mahama gained and rejoiced a lot from President Mills death not only did he become the President of Ghana but also avoided the disgrace of being prosecuted and possibly imprisoned for corruption when he inflated the prices of planes he contracted to buy on behalf of our country. At the time of President Mills death, President Mahama was under investigation by a commission set up to investigate him and that committee was chaired by one Mr Aboah.

After President Mills death, the commission was dissolved and the same Mr Aboah who was chairing this committee was given a Ministerial appointment by President Mahama to silence him from divulging the information from the commission.

Let Kofi Adams, Allotey Jacobs and their like minded Ndc officials be reminded that, not all Ghanaians are like their ill informed supporters and they cannot adumbrate us with their malarkeys. Dr. Nduom was right, NDC rejoiced over President Mills death.