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Opinions of Sunday, 5 August 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Dramani Mahama canvasses Ghanaian youth for Re-election Support


There is a well proven adage that goes, "One man's meat is another man's poison" Much as the just quoted adage is true, so also is a saying, "One man's misfortune is another man's blessing"

Barely had President Mills passed when his then Vice President, His Excellency John Dramani Mahama, was sworn in as the new President of the 4th Republic of Ghana. This urgent initiative taken to avoid the possibility of there being a vacuum in the leadership of the country was perfectly in line with the nation's Constitution. The Constitution does not allow for a break in national leadership to mourn a departed President, whether sitting or former.

Some people allege the then Vice President Dramani Mahama sat giggling when parliament reconvened to swear him in as the new President of Ghana in fulfilment of a requirement of the Constitution. Why should those complaining about what they deem as callous behaviour by President Mahama bother or worry at all? If the complainants knew the truthfulness about that wise saying, "One man's misfortune is another man's blessing", they would not dare question that deplorable behaviour if indeed, President Mahama behaved so.

Who at all would like to remain permanently a driver's mate when there is an opportunity to become the driver himself or herself? Who would like to continually remain a passenger at the mercy of an ignorant death-prone driver if he or she could jump behind the steering wheel, drive the vehicle safely to the admiration of all?

Anyway, to be unmeritorious in availing yourself of an opportunity, or in pursuit of an objective at the demise of others as may be in the case of President Mahama is evil. The Chairman of the NDC, Dr "Okumkra" Kwabena Agyei disclosed on recorded cassette that some high hierarchy NDC members were propagating false information about the late President Mills' health, as alleged a newspaper. Did Mr Agyei not accuse them of wanting the President dead? Was an accusing finger not pointing at Vice President John Dramani Mahama as the architect of that malevolence? If indeed the late President Mills' saboteurs have succeeded in their scheme to get rid of him through death, then I will admonish Ghanaians to watch over their shoulders to check who is shadowing them.

President Mahama in a statement has invited the Ghanaian youth to support his presidency, his government and his re-election on December 7, 2012. He claims he is so far the youngest person to have lately occupied the presidency. He is also the youngest among the competing flag bearers aiming for the presidency in December 2012. To him, he has given youthful exuberance to the presidency, a chance the youth should seize with all their might without ever letting it go or slip them.

Was he not wielding all the powers that could have made the needed difference to impact positively on the lives of Ghanaians when he was the Vice President? Did he not have considerable or overwhelming advantage in the running of Ghana under President Mills' administration? If he did, but used that opportunity selfishly preposterously, how do we trust him to use it selflessly reasonably, now that he is President?

Did he not use his youthful energy to probably corrupt his office as was and is still ongoing with people like Alex Segbefia, Kobby Acheampong, Okudzeto Ablakwah and Koku Anyidohu just to mention a few? Was he not very comfortable when his Atta Mills cum John Mahama-led NDC government was dishing out "supposed" judgment debt payments or out-of-court settlements fictitiously to ghosts, persons and companies? Is President Mahama not on record to have joined the NDC mudslinging team to tease a section of Ghanaians for their inability to speak English?

I will prefer not to learn English if that will make me a daring thief ("juro kwake"). The late President Mills gave the youth an ocean of chance in the political arena to help better Ghana. What did we see them do? They were not only stealing from left, right, front, back, centre and centre forward but also lying, chirping insults and conducting themselves around the corridors of power as bestial macho men. How then does President Mahama think his youthfulness can make a change for the better in the lives of Ghanaians hence, asking for their votes come December 7, 2012?

It does not cost him anything to dream so let him keep on dreaming - Mr Dreamer.

Rockson Adofo