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Opinions of Tuesday, 7 March 2023

Columnist: Ebenezer Ansah Boafo

Drug abuse in Asankrangwa: A menace that demands urgent attention

Drug abuse Drug abuse

Drug abuse is a growing concern in Asankrangwa, the municipal capital of Wasa Amenfi West constituency in the Western region of Ghana. The substances which are commonly abused in the community include Marijuana, Tramadol, cocaine, and cigarettes.

The situation is further aggravated by the fact that sellers who trade in these drugs sell them in raw form or mix them with toffees, bitters, and ice creams. This makes it easy for addicts, especially the youth, to access and consume these drugs.

Drug addiction has devastating consequences not only for the addicts but also for the community at large. Addicts commonly engage in thefts, which disrupt the peace and safety of the community.

Recently, one addict was caught trying to steal items from a room using a long stick at 2am in the night. Addicts also go to gold-buying offices at night to steal in order to finance their cravings. This has created a sense of insecurity in the community, especially at night.

The addiction problem has also led to a significant rise in road accidents in the municipality. Addicts who ride motorcycles and drive have contributed significantly to the rampant road accidents. Their impaired judgment and reaction time make them a danger not only to themselves but also to other road users. This has resulted in the loss of lives and injuries, further adding to the burden on the community.

The impact of drug addiction is visible in the physical appearance of young addicts, who often look older than their age and diminished. The addiction has a ripple effect on their personal lives, social relationships, and mental health. The community is losing its youth to drug addiction, and it is a situation that demands urgent attention.

The municipal assembly, police service, and other stakeholders must come together to curb this menace. This requires a concerted effort that involves education, awareness creation, and effective law enforcement.

The municipal assembly should invest in creating awareness about the dangers of drug abuse and its impact on the community. This will help to sensitize the community and make them more vigilant. The police service should also step up its efforts to arrest and prosecute drug dealers and those who engage in drug-related activities. They should collaborate with other law enforcement agencies to intercept the supply chain of drugs into the community.

In conclusion, drug abuse is a growing menace in Asankrangwa that demands attention. The community needs to come together to combat this issue, and everyone has a role to play. Parents should monitor their children's activities and educate them about the dangers of drug abuse.

The youth should resist the temptation to experiment with drugs and seek help if they find themselves struggling with addiction. The government should also invest in drug rehabilitation and treatment centres to help addicts recover and reintegrate into society. Together, we can create a drug-free community that is safe and prosperous for all.