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Opinions of Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Columnist: Dabbousi, Fadi

Dumsor unrelenting - The untold story

The marauders of Ghana's booty must be checked, arrested, tried, and jailed. Dumsor has never been a case of lack of resources, fuel, or whatever flimsy excuses that the looting brigades parading themselves as nationalists would want Ghanaians to believe. Right from the onslaught, it seems, the government has been in cahoots with every devil to milk our nation. And to a large extent this John Mahama led administration has succeeded.

Let it be said that the government is quite dexterous with the implementation of all means possible to cause financial loss to the State. Have we not seen proof in the mismanagement that is rampant everywhere? It is never found wanting for evil ideas to loot, as is believed by majority of Ghanaians.

To ever believe President John Dramani Mahama's promises of an end to dumsor is akin to a chicken believing the promises of a wolf; soon it would find itself in its grinding jaws. The truth about the matter is that Dumsor under the NDC will never come to an end. At Tema, NDC gurus and bigwigs have huge electricity generating plants that are logged onto the national grid. In other words they are generating electricity that they're selling to the nation. Is it any wonder why the rates are so high?

It is not a case of lack of money or any other tasteless reason why Dumsor is ongoing. If the government can find hundreds of millions of cedis to misappropriate, it can certainly find hundreds others to pay debt for gas owed Nigeria. In order words the Dumsor is an artificial calamity that has assumed permanent status under John Mahama's cruel government.
Besides, let it also be known to Ghanaians that Ghana's new-found oil is a resource that is mixed with a lot of gas. The gas is separated from the oil and flamed. That which cannot be flamed is pumped back into the earth, making crude oil extraction excessively laborious and expensive. Had we sensible leadership, necessary infrastructures would be built to pump the gas into pipelines to power the electricity generating plants to cut cost severely rather than the exorbitant problem of managing it by pumping it back into the earth. We could even sell the gas to pay for the numerous needs of our country.

But the visionless and clueless leadership of the NDC, and the President, have become a bane to our development. In order to continue looting the State, government is about to implement a project for coal powered electricity generation. The massive cost involved is a crime against Ghanaians and, in the same breath, humanity. That much money for this useless project could be channeled to tap our own resources to bring much needed relief to Ghanaians as well as reducing diseases resulting from the dangers of working with coal and the plumes of carbon monoxide emissions. The repercussions of using coal just adds more burden to a non-functioning National Health Insurance Scheme.
So back to the NDC gurus who are amassing wealth from the crisis. For the benefit of a few, the government, VRA, and ECG are looking the other way. They have lost every little sense of empathy for their brethren suffering the unnecessary burdens of exorbitant bills. To add insult to injury, NDC politicians have brought in their own meters and are charging as they wish. That is all the more reason why people do not understand why their electricity consumption has skyrocketed, and why the cost of electricity has hit the moon.
Let Ghanaians know that if they do not stand up for the little shred of dignity that they have left, this NDC government will continue to sodomise the nation until we can no longer control our bowels resulting in perpetual damage that will render us incontinent forever. Who then could be blamed for the stink that would overwhelm us.
It is not surprising that investors have packed bag and baggage and bolted out of Ghana like they were running away from a monster. And yes the NDC government, under the leadership of John Mahama, is a monster,
Arise for change if you want to restore your dignity! Arise for change if you want to restore your respect! Arise for change if you want to be Ghanaians again. As it is now, we are strangers and prisoners in our own land.
#Arise #Arise #Arise