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Opinions of Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Columnist: Kwakye-Ofosu, Felix

"Dzi Wo Fi Asem"

The improvident "Dzi wo fi asem"-Felix Kwakye-Ofosu? has again derailed from the railway. According to the hurly-burly propagandist, Kwakye-Ofosu, It is crystal clear that former president Kufour never supported the presidential bid of Nana Addo. We all know he was not too pleased with Nana Addo's presidential ambition and taking a look at events that sprout up in December 2007 and 2008, he took decisions which he knew would harm Nana's bid?.

The above is a quotation from Felix Kwakye-Ofosu, a member of the Communications Team of the governing NDC, a novice who was insubstantially and braggart contributing to a panel discussion on Asempa FM. According to him, it is an open secret that ex-president Kufuor never actively campaigned for Nana Addo, adding he (Kufour) was rather rooting for Alan Kyeremanten to become his immediate successor.

This Kwakye-Ofosu guy cannot be serious!, is he now at the same time propagating for both NDC and Nana Akufo Addo against Kufuor or as novice and immature as he is only trying to terrify Nana Addo while stumbling Kufuor.

What do you Kwakye-Ofosu care about what transpired or transpiring in the home affairs of the NPP?

He said ?In December 2008, when the NPP were seriously contesting electoral results, Kufuor was celebrating his birthday at the Golden Jubilee House, popping champagne. This issue is very true and everyone knows the kind of controversies it generated. Clearly, we can all see he doesn't wish Nana Addo well on the road to becoming president of Ghana,?

To him, there is no unity in the NPP as they might want Ghanaians to believe, claiming that there is an 'Akyem mafia and Asante bloc? fighting for control over the party, and cited contents of the book ?Chasing the Elephant into the Bush? authored by Arthur Kennedy as basis for his argument.

Apart from all the poppy cock, abomination and stupefied agonize anxiety Kwakye is trying to create in the NPP, WHAT IS CURRENTLY PREVAILING IN THE NDC? SPECIFICALLY BETWEEN THE TEAM "A" KONADU NDC AND THE MILLS TEAM "B" NDC? Would it not interest you (Kwakye-Ofosu) to grumble at that broken bridge of the NDC which is irritating into a conflict?

The imposter and disobedient Kwakye invectively affronted ?when they meet to agree on one thing, the Akyem mafias would smash it away". How can the NDC constitute such an absurd, in-compassionate and undiplomatic entity like Felix Kwakye-Ofosu to his communication Team?

He is a disgrace (small-boy) to the entire country of Ghana.

With such an affray propagandist in the NDC propaganda and communication team, i am afraid, no reasonable person will be ready to buy any heresy or information from the Team. "What makes a man is not what he is outside but what he is inside". This Kwakye boy is a problem child and at the same time the chief architect of his problems and will sooner or later be the head of NDC problems.

FRANCIS TAWIAH (Duisburg - Germany)