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Opinions of Saturday, 6 June 2009

Columnist: Afriyie, Meshack Opoku

E.C.G. & V.R.A : Are We Safe?

Day in and out we are crying about social vices. We constantly blame the security agencies like the Police for their in ability to curb the rise in violence or should I says reduce the rate of cases involving theft, rape among others.

Today I will say the police are trying their best but are the rest of Ghana, other institutions also contributing their quota? You will be wondering what am driving at, presently I honestly believe we can significantly apportion blame to E.C.G. and V.R.A. for some of these criminal cases that are cropping up. People now are having sleepless nights not only because their rooms are hot but the fact that they are scared of being attacked by armed robbers. I even hear that warning shots have become a precautionary measure. Not only that, people feel unsafe moving at night especially those who close late from work and those out late due to circumstances beyond their control. This is because your car might be snatched from you at gun point or you might be jammed while walking home by so called ‘kwashe boys’ who will rob you of your valuables and sometimes even inflict wounds on you. The annoying aspect of it all is that most of these lads are as young as J.H.S leavers with weapons.

I learnt these institutions (E.C.G & V.R.A.) are trying all their best but it is not enough. Just imagine, how would you feel if you or a friend or relative fell victim to violence which could have being avoided just because criminals were given a chance to exhibit their skills on other people’s property which they spent years to acquire and even human life.

Please if you don’t agree with me, try finding out what has being happening during these light outs and you will be amazed. The commonest instances occurred during the Champions League (when the semi-finals and finals where played) there were traffic collusions on our roads because the traffic lights were off thanks to E.C.G and V.R.A , not to mention the car thefts and so forth. Its unfortunate but we can even blame E.C.G. for some of the recent fire outbreaks because they are causing a lot of electrical equipments to malfunction.

I hate to say this but E.C.G. is creating a field day for these bandits and the saddest part of this all is that just a few can afford generators. Hmmmm…the poverty gap is becoming clear.

Its funny but the question that am pondering about is ‘Do our leaders feel our pain?’ They have stand-by generators at their residence, police protection for themselves and their family. So how are they going to feel it in order to act on our behalf?

E.C.G and V.R.A. we are begging you, the citizens of the country are at your mercy, the police are disadvantaged so please act fast and take the necessary steps which will make the middle and low class in our society have smiles on their faces.

By: Meshack Opoku Afriyie

[email protected]