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Opinions of Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Columnist: Yawose, John

ET Tu WK Aboah

I am worried. I am worried about Hon. W.K. Aboah the new Interior Minister. Here he comes.

Somebody should tell him; well- meaning Ghanaians are worried about him. Here is a fine, honest, decent, pure Presbyterian trained Akwapim born gentleman – who out of greed or something has accepted to work as a Minister in the CORRUPT MILLS administration in injury time!!

Haaba! Haaba! WK Aboa. How can you belittle yourself as retired and distinguished police officer--- once Head of Immigration and contaminate your purity by accepting to work with the corrupt, tribalistically vicious, nation wreckers, full of lies, vindictiveness and Woyome/CP/Waterville/Atlas-purchase - NDC conspirators who are heading for defeat and national disgrace. WK Aboah, are you a fraudster mingling with fraudsters? Are you behind the show of brute force on Owusu Bempah? Disciplined Presbyterians don’t do that. It is unchristian. Are you going to allow yourself to be used by the infidels and wicked pseudo-arch tribalists, pretenders, vindictive and unforgiven NDC who have found a willing partner in President ‘AS IF’ Mills and who have proved they have no scruples, training and conscience all along??

WK Aboah , you have disappointed your admirers like me. I don’t respect you again. I cry for Akwapims..

Or you were a’ fake’ after all and you have now been discovered??? The pretentious greedy bastard cloaked in Akwapim discipline.

“EYI NKOAA DE”, WK Aboah did not do well at all !!!!!!!