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Opinions of Thursday, 5 March 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Earnest Advice To “Kumawuhene” Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah

I feel the urge to write to advise you of certain actions you have taken, and are still pursuing that contravene the wish and purpose of God, hence the imperativeness to backtrack. I shall be publishing an extensive open letter to you on the electronic media. Therefore, I shall be brief with this advisory letter.

Being a Kumawu compatriot, I wish without any deep-seated animosity or malice, to convey to your attention that the Ankaase "royal" family in which you belong is neither of matrilineal nor patrilineal descent to Barimah Tweneboah Koduah I, the originator of the Kumawu Koduah Stool as otherwise contrarily erroneously and collusively claimed by Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II at his Manhyia Palace on 24 February 2014.

Otumfuo Osei Tutu II has a selfish agenda which borders on exploitation and subjugation of Kumawuman people. He sees you as the soft touch through whom he could realise his evil intents against the good, but vulnerable, people of Kumawuman. So far, your displayed attitudes and actions, have confirmed my worst nightmare. The contents of the letter to Ashanti Regional Police Commander Kofi Boakye by the Kumawu Traditional Council at your behest is an ample proof of how you have surrendered not only yourself, but also, demeaned the status of the Kumawu Koduah stool. You had better learn the history of Kumawu. I shall elaborate this in my future open letter to you.

I am aware, like many other Kumawuman citizens that Kumawuhemaa Abenaa Serwaah Amponsah slapped you and you slapped her back. This tit for tat slapping incident took place after you had dubiously been sworn in as Kumawuhene. You need to come out to confirm or deny this allegation.

Do you know that your Ankaase family member, the late Barimah Asumadu Sakyi II, the Omanhene of Kumawu, was either wrongly or correctly accused of using fetishism (juju) or poison to kill almost all the rich and noble persons of Kumawuman who rose up against him after he had embezzled 1.5 million Cedis from Kumawuman coffers in 1975? In those days, 1 Cedi was equivalent to US$1 at the official foreign exchange rate.

From Godly revelations from different sources, you have resolutely decided to pursue the same path and agenda as were determinedly followed by the late Barimah Asumadu Sakyi II because you feel the people of Kumawuman by their majority do no support you. How can they support you when they clearly know your root that has been made worse by that additional information of "3bo3 fa dadee fa" issue coming from your own family members?

Whenever you organise any public function, people do not attend. Whenever you call at any local funeral, your mere presence drives away those that have come to condole with the bereaved family. Are these not enough indications to you how the people have rejected you?

Do you know that Kumawuhemaa Serwaah Amponsah induced the Kumawu kingmakers with money to get you elected as Kumawuhene? Even with the money offer, culminating in bribery and extortion, she did not succeed until Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, although without mandate, but acting in collusion with you, still stamped his authority in your favour. Refer to the video posted on YouTube titled, "Asantehene involves in corruption" to ascertain the truth or the facts.

Do not be happy that Asantehene is on your side. All the methods adopted by him to see you through as the Kumawuhene-elect were unconventional and unconstitutional. The courts will prove me right in the end. Your chiefship will soon end, but in disgrace, so you had better consider abdication right from today to avoid that looming catastrophe.

Let it be known to you today, Tuesday 3 March 2015 that Barimah Tweneboah Koduah V from the Ananangya royal family, the true matrilineal descendant from Barimah Tweneboah Koduah I, the originator of the Kumawu Koduah Stool, has been selected by God Almighty to serve Kumawuman people, but as their traditional ruler. Subsequently, all your devilish attempts against him are in effect directed at God and God will not hesitate to deal with you should you persist in that path.

You never knew about his status, but today, I have made things known to you so you have no any excuse to give when the wrath of God engulfs you like a ferocious fire when you do not change from the evil path you are pursuing.

It is known to many a Kumawuman citizen how Kumawuhemaa has been scattering chopped animal carcases in Kumawu at night when people are deep asleep. This habit has a harmful spiritual intention/effect - to kill people. The failed attempt to bury a live sheep and a white coffin at Kumawu cemetery by whomever, is also an open secret.

I strongly advise you to desist from all evil attempts with intent to kill Barimah Tweneboah Koduah V and anyone supporting him. I am aware of those names Kumawuhemaa mentions, cursing them and wishing them dead when pouring her libations. All such evil intentions and purposes will suffer reverse mode, inflicting harm on the very authors of such evils.

Be a judge of all the assertions made to approve or disapprove of their veracity. However, God Almighty is the final Supreme Judge of whatever conclusion you arrive at in the silence of your cogitations

Rockson Adofo