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Opinions of Friday, 8 April 2022

Columnist: Joseph Kingsley Eyiah

Earth Month: Let governments around the world mobilize their citizens for sustainable environment

The environment needs to be protected The environment needs to be protected

April is Earth Month and there is an urgent call to action on the part of all for sustainable change to save our environment.

Today, the challenge of creating and maintaining a sustainable environment is probably the most pressing issue that confronts our planet-earth.

After two years of devastating Covid-19 pandemic and the insane tribal conflicts around the world as well as the Ukraine-Russia ravaging war coupled with the unprecedented climate change, we need a sustainable change to save our world of today.

Over the years, physical development and human activities have posed a great danger to our environment.

Industrial pollution, deforestation, overpopulation, unauthorized construction, illegal mining activities and dumping of waste in surface waters, to mention a few, have brought degradation to our environment threatening our very existence on the planet earth.

In Ghana, the Apiate chemical explosion that destroyed a whole town and lives are recent environmental hazard created by human activities. Also, the Amazon in South America and the equatorial forests of Africa are losing most of their flora and fauna species to deforestation.

As human settlements expand in cities like Accra in Ghana and Toronto in Canada, garbage disposal management becomes crucial. Such management if neglected or poorly handled leads to environmental hazards. This is where recycling becomes important and the responsibility of all residents. In my school, we have the Toronto District School Board EcoSchools Club which is leading in the promotion of recycling and proper disposal of garbage among students and staff of the school.

Another area is managing our air and water. We have to prevent or minimize air and water pollution. Pollution is an unwanted change in the atmosphere, water or soil that can harm humans or other organisms.

Though many governments have made legislation/regulations controlling pollution in their countries, we have an obligation as concerned citizens of the planet-earth wherever we are to be the watchdogs of the environment.

Unfortunately, there are no rules requiring Canadian companies to disclose all the chemicals they use in the manufacture of products ranging from cleaning solvents to shingles and plastics.

Many workers at such factories and residents close to the factories may be at risk. I, therefore, call on the Canadian government to set aside the self-regulation of Canada’s chemical industry and put in place rules that will require all Canadian companies to make public all the chemicals they use in manufacturing their products.

I employ governments around the world to take bold steps to be part of the ecological transition for their citizens.