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Opinions of Sunday, 11 February 2018

Columnist: John Vianney

Ebony goes home

Priscilla Opoku-Kwateng popular known in show business as Ebony Priscilla Opoku-Kwateng popular known in show business as Ebony

Ebony! The young, talented and beautiful 21year old songstress is gone. Sad but real. Yes she died in a motor acciddent whilst on her way back to Accra where she is based.

She was returning from the Mum after a good time as her last video making the rounds on social suggest.

But why no one saw this coming is part of the mystery of God. The father said in an interview he cautioned her to be careful when she said she was going to visit the Mum who had returned from the UK. He did not see death coming to her daughter.

The Mum who surely knew the daughter was coming and was naturally excited did not see death coming to her daughter. Friends around her including the the other occupants in the car did not see death coming to their (our) icon. And even Ebony did not see death coming to her. Why ? Only God did as my faith will tell me.

Ebony certainly lived her life the way she wanted it though short. She touched many. I heard her music but hadn't seen her until I watched her interview with Delay. She was Ebony. Brutally frank knowing very well she was being interviewed on national television.

However it seems to me Ghanaians are doing what we know best. Showing concern when it is over. Even those who felt she was not a good role model for their girls and criticised her, praised the up and coming star. Hypocrisy at its best.

It seems business as usual. The authorities are lecturing us of the cause of the accident but not what could have been done to avoid it. Ghana for you. We are very good in giving reasons. But this is where I think we are an unfortunate people. Former President John D. Mahama was after all right when he said Ghanaians easily forget. As a result no one is talking of reducing the carnage on our roads if not stopping it.

In my opinion heads should roll beginning from the original contractor of the road since that spot is said to be that much dangerous, through the outfit mandated by law to train drivers especially those of the VIP buses (3 VIP buses have been involved in similar accidents in recent times) and the current contractor for the sand that has been sitting there without any kind of signage to motorists as reported in the media.

We must be serious as a nation. Look! Ebony is gone and so is the job opportunities she gave some people. Ebony is gone and so is the role model part she played out in others. Ebony is gone and so is the joy and entertainment some got from her. Ebony is gone and so is the motherly role she was yet to assume. A young life cut short. Dreams of many people thwarted and everyone is mourning. But going forward nothing in place to stop this carnage on our roads.

I have read about the lamentations of Kwaku Sekyi-Addo. One of my best in the media industry. He wants people to stop the circulation of the gory accident involving Ebony. Yes I support that call. But which is better to do; to try to stop Ghanaians who are always excited to video accident scenes for sharing on social media or to use the sad incident to lobby for some laws and changes in our law books regarding our roads? Popular as Kweku is I think it will be an honour to Ebony herself that her death leads to some changes and the formulation of laws in the road sector to safe lives. The "Never Again" attitude should be activated.

I don't pray for it but if nothing is done differently from our " business as usual " style , I'm sure we will soon wake up to yet another carnage of this kind if not worse. It could be your favourite personality and if you are not lucky it could be you. So till when?

Ebony! Yours is over and now history. May your soul rest in perfect peace with the Lord.