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Opinions of Thursday, 23 January 2020

Columnist: Edmund Kyei

Edmund Kyei writes: NDC had a nice keep fit exercise during their walk in Kumasi

Edmund Kyei . Asokwa Constituency 1st Vice Chairman of NPP Edmund Kyei . Asokwa Constituency 1st Vice Chairman of NPP

The good books says in 1 Timothy 4:8; "For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come".

The opposition NDC did the first aspect of the biblical quotation concerning exercise when they had a walk in Kumasi but pertaining to Godliness they have failed woefully because they always throw dust in the eyes of Ghanaians.

In 2016 the NDC stressed out clearly that all political parties should allow the Electoral Commission to do an independent work when then opposition parties were criticizing the EC.

Their reason was that EC is constitutionally mandated to do so, especially our ex president Mahama was the key advocate of the mantra "EC is independent" but now the table has turned and the NDC is no more in power so they have changed the tone of their language calling on the EC not to take prudent decision concerning the voters register.

In the 1992 constitution article 7 clause 45 it states; the electoral commission shall compile the register of voters and revise it at such period as may be determined by law.

I think the NDC knows what is enshrined in the Constitution stating clearly that the EC has powers to compile new register but they intentionally assembled about 700 foot soldiers for a health walk in Kumasi.

Our register is bloated with foreigners which most of them registered with health insurance card where EC deem it necessary to do a new register for Ghana to have a credible register.


Edmund Kyei.

Asokwa Constituency 1st Vice Chairman

NPP National Communication Member