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Opinions of Thursday, 4 March 2010

Columnist: Sidibe, Abdul

Electing Rogues to National Office

: A case against Moctor Bamba and the Avokar Boys.

At this crucial moment of our development, Ghana needs leaders that will foster unity and cohesion devoid of violence and intimidation. Hence when the NPP had it just ended congress, we expected the party to come out with a platform that will advance national development and unity; instead the NPP ended the congress with threat of intimidation and violence.

Alhaji Bamba’s first promise to the teaming NPP supporters at the congress was to set up a group in Tamale to go to war with a notorious group called the “Avokar Boys.” According Alhaji Bamba, his boys will be tasked with serving the interest of the NPP at all elections using violence and intimidation. What happens to Ghana’s interest at all elections? Certainly, Bamba is not thinking about Ghana’s interest. To him NPP should win, it does not matter if Ghana burns as a result.

People of Bamba’s make are not politician in a democracy, they are rogues whose conception of national politics is to capture power by all means and use it to their advantage. Alhaji Bamba has very little, if any, understanding of the national good. Suffice it to say that Bamba was the guy who stole state letterheads and used to them to apply for Bank loans, and assisted his cronies apply for foreign visa to the extent that at some point, the good name of Republic got dragged in the gutters. To him it does not matter if Ghana gets damage by his acts, as long as he is able satisfy his ego.

Since the unfortunate incident in 2003, which saw the murder of YaaNaa and 40 of his kinsmen, the Northern region of Ghana has been very volatile in terms of peace and security. There were reports of clashes and counter clashes among warring groups resulting in unnecessary lost of life and property worth millions of Cedis. Unfortunately, the death of YaaNaa and his kinsmen that plunged the region in to quos happened in the government of a party whose newly elected National Organizer is Alhaji Bamba.

The NPP, from all indications, is yet to learn from the mistakes it committed in the party’s eight years in office, and prior eight years in opposition. Bamba’s promise to the party is just an indication of how the party is failing to digest the reasons it lost the last election, and the wonton pain and insecurity NPP’s eight in government have inflicted on the people of the Northern and Upper East regions of Ghana.

Whether it is the Avokar boys or the Bamba boys, Ghana’s northern regions, for it development, do not need a perpetual war where every political group has a militia aimed solely at advancing the party’s interest to the detriment of the very poor people of the region who live under one dollar a day. It is against this back drop that we call on all the parties operating in the country, especially the NPP in view of Bamba’s statements, to denounce violence. We can’t afford a failed state; the price that we, as people, will pay from the ensuing result of political violence is very enormous. Already, Ghana is located in a region of very volatile political situation. There are ample examples across the sub-region to educate us more of politicians inciting violence as a means to achieving political goals.

Our country has already gained tremendous political success in a region full of war and quos; we are the leading light for democracy, freedom, and good governance in West Africa. This explains why Ghana has hosted every single American president since Bill Clinton. For those of us living outside the motherland, it is a source of pride and joy. It is therefore very unfortunate and sad to hear some half literate politician try to wreck what has been achieved so far.

Abdul Sidibe

Calgary, Alberta, Canada. [email protected]