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Opinions of Friday, 10 June 2016

Columnist: Lecumberry, Asare

Elections: Ghana ripe for change of leadership

John mahama John mahama

It is disheartening when Ghanaians cast their minds back to history to see how justice has been perverted by the cynics who have sold their soul and conscience to the devil without thinking of the repercussions of their action on the state they have sworn to protect.

A typical example is the Anas saga where judges sold their integrity for common “Aponkye. Today, Wayomi walks a freeman on our streets, yet we boast of our institutions as one of the finest.

Ghanaians want answers on the Amari deal. They should also tell us why the three South Africans who were granted bail by a court of competent jurisdiction were still kept in custody consequently deported. Meanwhile, we are compelled to live with Guantanamo Jihadists who slay for pleasure.

The big question is: Are we leaving any legacy worth emulating for the next generation?

We boast of quality education, yet teachers complain of unpaid salaries.Some schools do not have desks hence rendering teaching and learning ineffective.

A typical example is the Osman Bonafa Basic School in Trobu Constituency; students in that school and many other schools are unable to perform creditably well as a result of numerous strike actions by their tutors. In the end, “Apoh’’ becomes the last resort to success.

Our brothers and sisters from health institution are complaining bitterly of abolished allowances and outrageous fees by this incompetent government.

Our economy is nothing to write home about. Agriculture which is the backbone of our economy is rotten to the core (-0.04%). The jubilee report has it that seventy-six percent (76%) of our debt forms our gross domestic product.

As if that is not enough, 74.88 million is being spent on the Kwame Nkrumah Interchanges. The question is, couldn’t we have gotten it at better deal if we had resorted to competitive biding? Everyday is for the thief, one day for the master! We Ghanaians will vent our anger on this self-proclaim democrats come this November polls.

We can’t forgo the importance of electricity and how the power outages being experienced in the country could further increase the unemployment rate. The ECG lacks expertise to rectify this escalating crisis though the president claims it will be a thing of the past.

“One who does not speak, does not run the risk of loosing his tongue.’’ Anonymous. We need to solve this problem tangibly and not in fantasies. We can’t be swayed by political gimmicks. The Commander –in- Chief and his allies boast of infrastructure, but I bet they don’t have the slightest inkling of the happenings at the Ofankor-Ameriya road,the Pokuase Presby road, and Omanjor-Dweneho road.

Mr. President, Ghanaians are more intelligent than you perceive. We recall you telling us we have short memories. Indeed power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. You rain insult on the common Ghanaian whose vote made you the first gentleman of the state. The question is; are you really a Ghanaian, Mr. President? If so why let your fellow countrymen go through this hardship with unpopular policies.

A vote for President Mahama is a vote for unemployment, ill–health, dumsor, high tariffs, increase in vices, bribery and corruption and the extinction of the human race because we shall be compelled to pay tax for even the air we breath.

I rest my case.