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Opinions of Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Columnist: Toronto NPP Chapter

Electoral commission must exhibit its independence and authority

Assin Central Member of Parliament, Hon. Kennedy Agyapong, has charged Ghana’s Electoral Commission to exhibit its independence and authority and should not
behave like a toothless bull dog.
He said Ghanaians are looking up to the Electoral Commission for a clean and fair Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in 2016. According to Hon. Agyapong, the
Voters Register is bloated and needed to be changed.
He blamed retired Dr. Afari Gyan for creating more than two million extra voters which is not in the best interest of Ghanaians He therefore called on the new Electoral
Commissioner to have new Register of Voters. The failure of the Electoral Commissioner to change the Voters Register will give the NDC the upper hand to win with the
two million extra voters.
According to him, the new voters’ register is imminent since all the opposition political parties are calling for change except the ruling NDC
which is resistant to this call. Why? Because it has the upper hand in the Bloated Voters Register to win.
Hon Agyapong revealed that recently the NDC was registering voters from the Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso and Togo, alleging that Aflao Constituency alone is the largest in the
country with 126,000 voters. Isn’t it ridiculous? He quizzed. Hon Agyapong said he has documents and tapes and when he revealed the tip of it on his personal Oman FM,
they stopped.
Speaking at a Town Hall Meeting hosted by the Toronto Chapter of the NPP at the Ghanaian Presbyterian Church, also in Toronto, Hon. Agyapong said the Federal
Electoral Commission of Nigeria, manifested its independence and authority in the Federal Presidential Elections, despite the fact that funds for the running of the
Electoral Commission was provided by the Federal Government.
Hon. Agyapong told the teeming audience at the Town Hall Meeting since they will not be participating in the voting, they should go to Ghana and monitor the elections.
The presentation which was punctuated by applause by the attendees, Hon. Agyapong said he arrived from the People’s Republic of China to honour the invitation
he received from the Chapter. He said he could not have disappointed the Chapter and the audience.
Hon. Agyapong said his love for the NPP took him to China to purchase some logistics for the Party. “We are working hard to win the elections in 2016”, he emphasised,
pointing to the audience “you are the bread winners of the families in Ghana, impress upon your families to vote NPP for a big change in Ghana’.
On unity in the party, he assured the gathering that there is absolute unity, stressing that the five per cent voters against 95 per cent for Nana Akufo-Addo have joined hands
with the majority and there is peace now.
Hon. Titus Glover, who stepped in for Mr. Bernard Antwi-Boasiako also known as Chairman Wontumi, Ashanti Regional Chairman of the NPP, said the national debt has
Jumped from four billion dollars at the end of Kufuor Administration to 23 billion dollars in the current Mahama/NDC government, adding the current GDP is 70 per cent.
The Moderator of the meeting was Dr. Francis Wiafe-Amoako, a Political Scientist.

Source: Toronto NPP Chapter Communication Team