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Opinions of Friday, 24 November 2023

Columnist: Asare Ezekiel

Electrification of Nipahiammoa community

Joseph Kwasi Mensah is the MP for Nkoranza North Constituency Joseph Kwasi Mensah is the MP for Nkoranza North Constituency

In my role as an MP, I have relentlessly advocated for the electrification of remote communities in Nkoranza North. On two significant occasions, first on July 5, 2022, and then on August 2, 2023, I took the opportunity to address the Minister for Energy in Parliament, seeking answers regarding when these underserved communities would be integrated into the National Electricity Grid.

These moments served as crucial platforms to highlight the pressing need for progress in rural electrification.

Furthermore, my dedication to this cause extended beyond the parliamentary sessions. I proactively penned letters to the Ministry, urgently requesting the release of essential materials required for the initiation of installation works in NIPAHIAMMOA, one of my communities which the Minister said was not included in the Ministry's ongoing SHEP project.

The objective has been to expedite the process and bring electricity to those in need.

It is heartening to report that our efforts have borne fruit, albeit after some initial challenges. When I committed to personally finance the installation works, it acted as a catalyst, prompting the Ministry to finally release the necessary materials.

This has marked a significant milestone in the electrification journey for NIPAHIAMMOA.

The combination of advocacy, persistence, and a willingness to support the cause financially has proven to be the key to progress in bringing electricity to these remote areas, thus improving the lives of the residents.