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Opinions of Wednesday, 31 August 2022

Columnist: Atunah Amanda

Embracing feminity

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Growing up, I learnt that being a woman meant you were fragile, vulnerable, and incapable of what males could do. However, I also came to understand that possessing an aura, a sense of style, and being endowed with physical beauty placed you on a pinnacle.

My broadcast lecturer, Eric Agyekum, entered the room and inquired about our opinions on Nana Ama McBrown's liposuction. We all had a lot of ideas, I guess.

Perhaps she had accomplished more than liposuction. We were asked to gather our ideas and conduct a study to learn more about the impacts of body modification and what other people thought of it.

Well, I found that this could be a great opportunity for me to learn how people perceived the act's morality.

Even before I embarked on this research I told myself, that doing what makes you happy, makes you healthier. And if women reasoned that being endowed brings out their femininity, I would agree.

I wanted to attend a girls' school because practically every girl I knew always returned so well-groomed and endowed. Why, you ask? I suppose I can do the research later. Maybe it’s just their genetics.

According to a few studies, body enhancement has a variety of effects.

Let's talk about breast implants first. Aside from the enormous financial expense, studies have shown that there are frequently postoperative difficulties. As a result, future procedures may be required to address the associated complications.

There are two popular implants for breast enlargement which are saline and silicone. According to findings, these two implants do not last forever. Some deflate at a point in time and need to be changed.

Breast implants can also cause a rare kind of cancer called anaplastic large cell lymphoma. The tumor is said to take up to 10 years to develop.

Other issues, according to FDA, include the possibility that some women may not be able to breastfeed due to possible loss of breast tissue and milk-producing glands during surgery. It is also unknown whether silicone may leak through the shell into the breast milk during breastfeeding, which could have an impact on a child who is unable to breastfeed due to this issue. There are other more vital effects of breast enhancement.

Other women oppose the fact that butt enhancement is not deadly but is it?
According to reports, the pain from butt implants lasts for months. Although the body may reject the implant, implant rupture is the most concerning consequence. Once it ruptures, it leads to ulceration, which can turn into necrosis and cut off the blood flow to that area.

In addition to butt implants, there is also the well-known Brazilian butt lift (BBL). According to what little I know, liposuction must be performed first. This procedure involves making a skin incision and using a tube to remove fat. The removed fat reserves are what is employed to expand the butt. The fat is extracted from different parts of the body like the arms and stomach.

So the bigger you are, the more fat you have. And that means fat can be extracted from different areas to give a fuller butt.

Research indicates that it's somewhat less dangerous than butt implants. There are risks associated with this operation, just like with any surgery. After surgery, you might not be able to sit for two weeks while getting your body's waste drained and wearing a faha for hours on end. To perform this treatment, one must generally be in extremely good health. There are some issues that can potentially be fatal.

The thought that women underwent these treatments knowing the risks induced puts fear in me. Many women pay so much attention to their breasts and butts; not just because they are vital body parts, but also because these sexual organs are central to their attractiveness to men.

Some women may use various techniques to grow these physical parts, such as breast augmentation and butt enlargement, in an effort to impress others or increase their sense of confidence. Some younger people believe that the bigger, the better, while some spouses believe that enormous breasts and bottoms would make their husbands want to have sex more, especially given the fact that men are moved by what they see.

Body shaming is one of the resultants of these procedures. To some people that is the only way, their confidence can be built. Well, these procedures are relatively expensive.

So some women result to going the old fashion way, wearing butt pads, others have also discovered a way out by using herbs. The modern trend is to have a figure 8 body form. People are ready to carry out these treatments since Instagram has made them so popular.

I am aware that accepting who you are is a crucial step in developing and shining, but it is entirely up to you whether you think that drawing attention to your traits would inspire your creativity. To make sure that they have been informed of and are fully aware of the dangers and issues that could develop, some women are asked to sign consent forms.

Book an appointment, do some research, talk to professionals, and be aware that there are other options, such as exercise and vacuum therapy.

If I've learned anything from this research, it's that endowment is one aspect of feminity, but it's not the only one. Women are defined by their intelligence, accomplishments, way of life, and political influence.

What do you think about body enhancement? Do any of these procedures interest you? Does it compromise your morals? Do you believe that one's confidence may be related to one's physical appearance?