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Opinions of Friday, 25 August 2023

Columnist: Cedric Dzelu, Contributor

Empowering Adabraka community: Attack the flood team leads climate resilience education

Cedric Dzelu with some students Cedric Dzelu with some students

The Adabraka community in Ghana has been grappling with the recurrent challenge of flooding due to climate change.

In a remarkable endeavor to combat this issue, the Ghana YMCA's Attack the Flood team embarked on an educational journey, visiting schools to raise awareness about the intricate connection between climate change and floods.

This initiative, driven by the YMCA's youth-led solutions team, aims to empower the community with knowledge and strategies for enhanced adaptability and resilience.

Led by the visionary project lead Cedric Dzelu, and accompanied by the community and mobilization officer Edmond Hyde, the Attack the Flood team brought their expertise to local schools. The team's visit was a pivotal step in the comprehensive project designed to empower the community in various aspects of flood resilience.

Nurturing Climate Resilience: A Holistic Approach

The YMCA's youth-led solutions team has been tirelessly working on multiple fronts to ensure the community's preparedness against flooding.

Prior to the school visits, the team engaged with religious institutions, conducting informative sessions at mosques and churches, amplifying their message of climate consciousness.

Artisan shops weren't left out either, as they played a crucial role in the outreach efforts, spreading awareness about the importance of adapting to changing climate patterns.

One of the striking aspects of the initiative was the team's dedication to hands-on involvement.

A clean-up exercise was organized, not only to address the immediate effects of flooding but also to underscore the community's active participation in safeguarding their environment.

A Glimpse into the Future: Empowering youth for change

The Attack the Flood team's efforts are a beacon of hope, inspiring a community-wide movement towards resilience and adaptability. As part of their ongoing project, the team plans to roll out additional activities to strengthen the community's foundation against floods.

These activities include workshops, training sessions, and collaborative endeavors that will empower individuals of all ages to become active contributors to the cause.

At its core, this initiative is about nurturing a sense of responsibility and ownership among the youth and community members.

By educating and engaging them in hands-on efforts, the YMCA's youth-led solutions team is fostering a generation that not only understands the challenges posed by climate change but also proactively addresses them.

In Conclusion: A Community Rising Above Challenges

The Adabraka community's struggle against recurring floods is being met with a powerful response, driven by the Ghana YMCA's Attack the Flood team.

The educational journey into schools is just one aspect of a comprehensive project that encompasses religious institutions, businesses, and community engagement.

With individuals like Cedric Dzelu and Edmond Hyde at the helm, the project holds the promise of a community that not only adapts but thrives in the face of adversity, becoming a role model for climate resilience.

As the project unfolds, it serves as a testament to the potential of community-led initiatives and the transformative power of educating and empowering youth.

The Adabraka community's journey towards resilience is a collective endeavor, reminding us all that when united, we can overcome even the most challenging of circumstances.

Together, we rise above the floods, and together, we build a more resilient future.