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Opinions of Saturday, 1 May 2021

Columnist: Ernest Tetteh

Enforcement of the law

The 1992 Constitution of Ghana The 1992 Constitution of Ghana

The Republic of Ghana was declared independent March 6, 1957 by the Great Britain. Since the first republic constitution in 1960, Ghana has had other constitutions, these are 1969, 1979 and 1992 constitution.

The most current constitution was approved on 28th April 1992. This constitution defines the fundamental political principles establishing the structure, procedure, process and duties of the government, structure of the judiciary and legislature and spells out the fundamental right and duties of citizens.

Many well concerned Ghanaians have joined the debate on demanding for a change in our current constitution. Some have argued, enforcement of our current laws is enough to transform the fortunes of our nation.

The constitution is the embodiment of the fundamental regulations and principles according to which a country, state, and its people are supposed to work.

Consolidating our democracy, will be a state of law-abiding citizens who will be patriotic, accountable and present themself to the law should they break it. A good set of rules, honestly applied can encourage prosperity, progress and freedom in Ghana.

Regardless of the lapses in the current constitution, enforcement of the current laws is enough to safeguard our beautiful country.

The 1979 constitution was an improvement from the earlier ones which sought to transform Ghana into a one-party state in which fundamental and political participation were either severely resisted or completely banned.

Ghana continues to experience a downward spiral development pattern under successive governments despite amendment of laws to respond to new needs, including supplementary rights among others. Ensuring the implementation of our 1992 constitution could go a long way of helping our motherland.

The Constitution is supposed to reflect social realities and political need over time. As much as it is imperative to advocate for changes in our laws to help deal with menace in the society, application of the existing law fairly and just among all can produce the needed change in Ghana.

Be happy with what you have while working for what you want. Let's all strive to be law abiding citizens of this great nation.