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Opinions of Thursday, 25 February 2021

Columnist: Adjei Boakye

Engage religious leaders in COVAX coronavirus vaccine rollout

Coronavirus active cases are rising in Ghana Coronavirus active cases are rising in Ghana

I will accept this open door and thank you for your relentless efforts in making this a dream come true. From the presidency to the Ghana Health Service, kudos to you.

Service and patriotism have been decidedly shown and I think you merit some hails, however it's an obligation.

On the off chance that my memory serves me right, the COVAX Coronavirus immunizations will be rollout beginning, 2nd March, which the President has vowed to take the first jar.

By far and large, it's a decent exercise. We cannot do this without the engagement of our religious leaders in this country. Ghana is a Christian country with about 70% plus Christians.

I've gotten the chance to converse with many individuals and they raised a few concerns. Some are veritable, some are most certainly not.

A Christian country where a large portion of us have put our trust in our pastors and Imams. We confide in them to the degree that we share our private issues with them.

With this, I think the Government of Ghana should engage our religious bodies i.e; the Christian council, Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC), the Archbishop's conference, and the Islamic groups to ensure a smooth rollout of this plan.

As strong authoritative figures, they can impact individuals to take the vaccine as compared to other authorities.

Church to church and mosque to mosque sensitization with our religious leaders will help us more, than just the utilization of the conventional media.

I, therefore, urge you to connect with them, disclose issues to them and urge them to tell their people all there is to know about immunization and the need to be vaccinated.

Let us build together!

Thank you.

Adjei Boakye

Akobam road.