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Opinions of Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Columnist: Amegatse, Clement

Enough Of The Charade

The NPP and its leadership should stop taking the good people of this great country for granted. They shouldn’t think we are kids and can’t realize the infantile and immature games they are playing with the hearts of Ghanaians. If they want to get sympathy from their supporters for their abysmal performance at the polls in order for Nana Addo to still contest 2016 elections, they should find a mature and proper way. Also if some of the current executives want to still get the nod of their delegates for their re-election, then they should advice themselves with their current ways, since we are wide wake. But I will want to promise Nana, the NPP and some detractors within the NDC who cannot fathom a Northerner becoming president can please go to hell, because if even Nana should be made to contest again in 2016, I can promise him and those people he will be given a severe flogging and if he is not careful he will not recover from it.
How do you claim you won the election from just winning two regions ( Ashanti and Eastern) with the NDC still getting more than 42% of the votes in the Eastern region and more than 28% in the Ashanti region and with an overwhelming majority in parliament( 151). Their immature plans such as first manufacturing and massaging of the vote figures in some constituencies was expose, then they move to give a false alarm to the military and the police about arms been offloaded to a particular location when the security forces move in to investigate and they quickly turn around to accuse the security forces of ransacking their collation center, then came Gloria Akuffo office fiasco story and their massing up and attacking of people in NDC t-shirts and sellers at the Obra spot which was also short live. Whiles all these immature games were been played the so called rigged election figures kept changing from their campaign manager to general secretary to their minority leader and other party officials.
And their next plan is to hack in to the EC’s website and tamper with the figures which are already underway with help of their IT guys, but they will not succeed. I am thinking by now they should have finish window shopping their evidences and go to court and I hope the Chief Justice grant their wish and even take the court proceedings to the Accra Sport Stadium, to be fill with their supporters to capacity anytime there is proceeding and I can assure them that they will be severely bruise and humiliated after the legal tussle. We are not zombies in this country and we are becoming nauseated with this machinations and bastardization of state institutions just because things didn’t go our way.
Ghanaian has spoken and God have delivered a president to us. We want to continue to enjoy the peace in order to contribute our quota toward the development of our dear motherland and merry Christmas all Ghanaians.