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Opinions of Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Columnist: Kennedy, Arthur

Et tu, Bawumia?

Dr. Mamudu Bawumia has joined the ranks of those dividing us. Last week, the NPP Presidential running-mate claimed that "there are not enough Muslims at the Flagstaff House". Ironically, he did not tell us whether there are enough of those who are neither Christians nor Muslims.

I do not need to be long-winded in this. I condemn Dr. Bawumia for the same reasons I condemned Madam Ativor. Dr. Bawumia ' s late father, who was respected as a consensus builder will turn in his grave today. Those who joined me in condemnation of Madam Ativor last week should be condemning Dr. Bawumia. Those who defended Madam Ativor should be defending Dr. Bawumia.

They are joined in spirit--- In the service of intolerance. Whoever defends one and condemns the other is insincere.

Dr. Bawumia has a fine mind-- on economics. His decent into intolerance must give all of us pause. Maybe, it is not power that corrupts but politics. It seems that even when good people join politics, instead of making it better, they are corrupted by it.

Today, let Madam Ativor and Dr. Bawumia remind us of the mindless ambition and intolerance which, yoked to the "My party right or wrong" ethos, will destroy our country.

Let us join and work to restore control of our two major parties to people of commonsense, tolerance and good temperament so we shall, for many generations, know and have peace.

God bless you and Ghana. Yen Ara yen Asase ni !!
Arthur Kennedy