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Opinions of Saturday, 30 August 2014

Columnist: Asamoah, George K

Ethnic Cleansing of Ashantis in Mahama's Government

In a previous article entitled "Mahama Deliberately Marginalizing Ashantis", this writer examined the seemingly deliberate agenda of the Mahama administration to exclude people from the Ashanti region from holding any significant appointment in his government.

Since then things have not gotten any better, it has become clear as daylight that President Mahama does not intend to include Ashantis in ministerial or any significant appointments save that one token (Dr. Kwaku Agyemeng Mensah - the Minister of Health), the president diabolically sacked the few Ashantis in his government and now with the death of Mr. P. V. Obeng, there are no Ashantis in any position at the seat of government (Flagstaff house) either.

Many claim the president and first lady has a personal hatred for Ashanti people, in spite of the numerous cited reasons, this writer refuse to accept that the first family will hold such personal vendetta to the point of deliberately excluding Ashantis from government appointments, I pray that this has simply been an oversight. Some say when the president loop-played Daddy Lumba's hit track 'Yentie obiaa' during his recent visit to Kumasi, it was meant especially for the Ashanti NDC supporters than anybody else.

Mr. President, I know you know that Ashanti region has been mis-tagged as NPP's stronghold, but it is more of the 'swing' region for presidential elections in Ghana, historically and mathematically when NPP gets more than 76 percent of the Ashanti votes they win the elections. You won the 2012 elections especially due to the increment of votes in the 'swing' Ashanti region, an improvement of about 10 percent on the old NDC votes in the region, meant the NPP could not capitalize on to clear their losses in Greater Accra and Central regions.

JM, young Ashantis within the NDC party who have beyond the ordinary qualification and experience have become a laughing stock among their peers. They cannot be seen to have any link to the corridors of power, which is perceived to be reserved exclusively for Northerners and Bonos. The 1992 constitution calls for an equitable regional (including ethnic) distribution of government appointments.

Ashanti NDC members are being mocked, please sit up Mr. President. No more dirty and risky ground work to gain 30% votes in 2016 and win, for Bonos and Northerners exclusively to enjoy the spoils. Mr. President, I strongly urge you, to as a matter of urgency appoint some young dynamic Ashantis into your government, PLEASE. Give people of Ashanti a tinge of hope, some aspiration and empowerment and we will win 2016 in spite of all the NPP paa-paa.