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Opinions of Thursday, 9 December 2021

Columnist: Ambassador Edward Boateng

Eulogy to a friend

The late Eudora The late Eudora

Eudora was a person whom I considered a good friend. I first met her in 1996, when she was appointed Secretary to the Fontomfrom Television, a business I set up in partnership with the late Messrs Akenten Appiah-Menkah and Kofi Bucknor, and former Senate President of Nigeria, now retired, Senator David Mack.

Eudora took her work seriously, sometimes too seriously in my view and immersed herself totally into it. She was diligent and having her on our team was an honour. As company Secretary, she worried more than the shareholders when the business got into challenges. Eventually, she had to resign because the issues were taking a toll on her emotionally. She just wanted things to work and I'll always be thankful to her for her drive and passion during our Fontomfrom days.

We lost touch and reconnected on the hills of Aburi somewhere in 2011 when we bumped into each other during one of our Saturday morning runs. She was never late and would always endeavour to complete her walks - A go-getter!

In 2020, during the epicentre of the Covid-19 pandemic, we spoke almost every day since China and Italy were the most hit at that time. She was genuinely concerned as was her nature, about her staff, Ghanaians in Italy, and other colleagues who were affected. She got me to start making phone calls to colleagues in Iran, Spain etc who were also having a rising number of Covid-19 cases, to check on them. She wanted us to be each other's keeper during that distressing period.

In fact, it was as a result of these phone calls that got the Minister to have the zoom conference call with Ambassadors - the first of its kind. This was later to be followed up with a similar zoom conference call with His Excellency the President. The soothing effect of these talks on us, in a very tense atmosphere at the time, cannot be described. Her sense of responsibility and care was immeasurable.

Unfortunately, in a diplomatic world where people only see the perks and not the effort, this took its toll on her.

Our last phone call was in August 2021. She called to ask me about my dad's funeral and during our chat, expressed concern about the lack of follow up on initiatives started by Ambassadors - economic and development cooperation, among others, and felt these were critical to Ghana's development and stature in the comity of nations.

She was happy to have me in Ghana to follow up on her behalf when needed. I gave her my word but alas, it was never to be.

I recall seeking assistance from her, for one young man. He needed urgent help with a new passport. Eudora had it done within 72 hours and the young man sent some very complimentary remarks afterwards; the young man could not believe that the Ambassador picked her phone and called not only to discuss his passport issue but also took time to talk to him and ask about the welfare of his family. He called her the epitome of compassion, a good listener and a nurturing mother. It may have been a two (2) minute phone call as Eudora told me but for him it was an epoch changing moment that helped define his relationship with his country and its leadership.

Eudora was a lady of class and elegance, quiet, and one who believed in any job she did and held it in high esteem. She cherished her engagements with all she came across and never lost sight of her primary mandate as an Ambassador- to ensure the welfare of Ghanaians in Italy while fostering a trusted partnership between Ghana and Italy.

I will miss our chats and discussions of a Ghana where no child goes to bed hungry and no mother is denied maternal healthcare. Go well, my dear friend and sister. Rest in the bosom of the Almighty.

As Ambassadors, I hold the firm belief that we must be each other's keepers because the job can be daunting and lonely and sometimes, a simple phone call or message can make a difference. Let's not forget to check up on one another and be each other's keeper.

Eudora - the definition and practical meaning of "Please accept the assurances of my highest consideration."