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Opinions of Thursday, 16 April 2020

Columnist: Charles Charlton Van-Dyck

Every cloud has a silver lining

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There is a global crisis as the novel COVID-19 has virtually brought the world to a standstill.

The clouds have indeed gathered thick and fast. The future appears to be bleak and murky as businesses are beginning to fold up, most workers have been laid off, movements of people have been restricted, towns, cities and countries have gone under lockdown, COVID-19 cases still keep surging with baffling death tolls, borders have been closed to curb the spread of the deadly COVID-19.

We are not living in ordinary times as the world goes to war against a deadly disease "Novel COVID-19."

There seems to be fear and anxiety in the country(Ghana). These fears emanate from the fact that countries like Italy, Spain and USA with all their quality health systems have been at the mercy of this disease, so how much more will a country like Ghana that over relies on developed countries for basic goods and services. Can we contain the pandemic? Only time will tell.

However, this isn't the time for us to press the panic button. "Every cloud they say has a silver lining" and if and only if we are able to institute the right frameworks, I tell you what "the sun shall rise again". We can turn this pandemic to our advantage if we will unite as a country and put things right.

Ghanaians can attest to the fact that this pandemic has exposed our deficiencies. To begin with, poor personal hygiene and insanitary conditions have been our bane in times past. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, majority of Ghanaians have realised the essence of washing their hands with soap under running water.

Everyone now applies hand sanitizers on the hand as a preventive measure. Institutions and firms also install Veronica buckets in front of their premises to enable their clients practice handwashing prior to a business transaction. Oh! so gradually we are appreciating personal hygiene.

Our over-reliance on developed countries for basic goods and services has done more harm than good in some ways. This pandemic has brought about an explosion of ideas and inventions. We have seen how the Ghanaian youth is capable of inventing a touch-free veronica bucket.

This enables people to practice handwashing without touching the tap. Isn't this beautiful?

Again, a section of Ghanaians have legitimately cashed in on the situation by producing detergents and disinfectants so as to earn a living. And oh! There are some tailors and seamstresses out there who also produce face mask. Mind you, these are beautifully designed face masks with African colours. Call it creativity and you wouldn't be far from right.

Why then should we continue to import basic items which could be made by citizens of the nation.

It's high time government did rethink decisions made on excessive imports in the past and invest heavily into technological inventions and creative arts. This calls for self-dependence as a nation.

Herbal medicines have over the years proven it potency in the treatments of diseases. As the world searches for a vaccine to ward off COVID - 19 we as a country should turn our attention to our herbal and traditional doctors, join forces with them( Mampong-Akwapem Center for Scientific Research into Plant Medicine and Noguchi Memorial Institute) and invest heavily into their research to mitigate this disease.

The benefit we stand to gain as a nation should we find a cure to this pandemic will be immeasurable.

So let's all keep our calm, cool and composure because when the cloud disappears there will be sunshine...