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Opinions of Monday, 3 May 2021

Columnist: Joel Savage

Everywhere in Ghana, people are talking about suffering, struggling, survival

Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta

The biggest misfortune common Ghanaians have imposed on themselves is stupidity, followed by unnecessary suffering and the lack of a sense of proportion because the majority dwell on tribalism and hate to cast votes to elect their leaders.

“Where there is no vision, the people perish and disaster comes upon disaster; rumor follows rumor. They seek a vision from the prophet, while the law perishes from the priest and counsel from the elders," says the Bible.

In Ghana, are such politicians without vision, experience, and efficiency, holding various ministerial positions they are not even qualified for, therefore, the lack of productivity has brought untold suffering to parents throughout the country.

Surprisingly, many Ghanaians follow and admire those incompetent ministers because of tribalism, while they insult, rebel, and discriminate against the hardworking ones that might come from the Northern part of Ghana or the Volta Region.

When a country has the majority of such nepotistic and tribalistic people, the results that follow in the country are division, high rate of employment, lack of development, political unrest, and a fragile economy. This is the current situation in Ghana, collectively taken as man-made tragedies.

Everywhere you look at and anyone you listen to in Ghana is talking about suffering, struggling, and survival. Ghanaians are complaining about water problems in many places, while they face the wrath of intermittent electricity supply, popularly known as 'Dumsor,' at the same time.

High taxes, escalated price of commodities, poor living conditions, and high unemployment rate have put Ghanaians in endless worries. Yet this very government, the NPP, deemed the NDC corrupt and promised to deliver a better service to the common people.

The fact that prices of basic commodities and fuel have gone up, yet many depend on low wages, has worsened the living conditions of common Ghanaians.

In one of my articles submitted to GhanaWeb, entitled “Mahama should be happy today over the loss of the 2016 presidential race,” I shared my opinion that before the end of the “four more years for Nana,” many Ghanaians will suffer, the unemployment rate will go up and armed robbery will be on the increase.

The Ghana Police, in the past, have arrested thousands of armed robbers and criminals but arresting a gang of robbers that are only females, has never taken place under any Ghanaian leader besides Nana Akufo Addo.

According to the Zongo District Police Commander, Superintendent Amoah Nyamekye Adani, following a report by a taxi driver robbed at knifepoint, the police arrested four young women.

This shows how bad Ghana has become, to propel young girls at such ages to begin robbing people at knifepoint. Some may even graduate to be hardened criminals to use weapons to rob and kill.

Apart from corruption, the reasons for this man-made poverty and general hardships are the incompetence of the Akufo Addo’s government. Even the free education program has failed because nothing is done in the country with planning.

The sad thing above all is you can't criticize or speak about Akufo Addo's depressing government without the accusation of being an NDC member or you hate Nana Akufo Addo.

Even in the developed world that intelligent governments have worked hard and planned sustainable economies to suit both high and low-income workers, people do criticize sometimes.

Ghanaians must never forget that their votes don’t only determine their future but also that of their children and great-grandchildren, therefore, they must vote wisely.

If they want Ghana to be a better country, they must bury tribalism and nepotism in that country. Those twins are seeds of destruction.