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Opinions of Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Columnist: Amenga-Etego, SaCut

FDB is a decoy for Mills' campaign fund raising!



MAY 31 2011

Accra, Ghana

When reports broke that President Mills was planning to spend 90m Ghana cedes

on his desperate bid to cling on the NDC leadership at it’s primaries in

Sunyani, many people wondered where such colossal sums of monies could be

coming from but it is becoming clearer some of these sources. Over the past

one week, there have been reports revealing how a state institution such as the

food and drugs board have been used as a decoy to divert large sums of tax

revenue for campaign purposes.

The NDC youth with conviction of principle (YWCP) have no doubts that much

more money than 90Mgh is been sourced through different sources including hook

and crooked means to run his campaign.

According to a new crusading guide report, a man named only as Haissan was

arrested by a combined team of personnel from the FDB, Ghana police service and

the Ghana revenue authority for hauling large quantities of food and drugs into

five secret warehouses in the country (some of which warehouses are in Kumasi)

without paying the requisite tariffs and duties due government. Not long after

his arrest, there are machinations to cover-up the case and get Mr. Haissam

Haroun off the hook. The question many are asking is why officials of the FDB

would be scheming to get this man off the hook of the law when he has openly

and clearly committed an offense that requires him to face the law?

NDC youth with conviction of principle (YWCP) investigations reveal that there

is a connection between the evasion of tariffs through the FDB and the 90m

campaign funds projected by President Mills. We found out that Dr. Stephen

Opuni, the man at the helm of affairs at the FDB, a close associate of Ato

Ahwoi who is ‘shadow president’ of Ghana is clearly aware and is part of these

schemes to divert these funds for the Atta Mills campaign purpose in Ashanti

where Dr. Stephen Opuni is facilitating the transfer of funds believed to be a

part of the 90m gh budget projection.

YWCP investigations also reveal that Dr. Stephen Opuni is afraid to be

implicated when this Haissam Haroun man is held to answer, thus, his attempt to

cover up with the help of his sponsors in the Mills team. According to our

sources, this company and many others have been donating their ‘tariffs and

duties’ to the campaign funds of G.A.M.E. Those whose thinking was that

President Mills could not raise such amount of money for his campaign can now

understand the subtle methods been employed by the G.A.M.E to by all means win

a primary election in which Atta Mills is obviously trailing in real opinion


YWCP decries the use of such illegal ways of acquiring campaign funds and

especially when such funds are been used to corrupt our democratic process as a

party. We therefore call on Dr. Stephen Opuni to come clean on this rot in the

FDB. We also demand that the president Mill orders immediate investigations

into the illegal activities at the FDB and bring Dr. Opuni to book with the

same alacrity with which he requested an investigation into the allegation of

90m GH for his campaign by Mr. Herbert Mensah, a friend of the NDC founder

Jerry Rawlings.

The NDC youth with conviction of principle also demand a stop to all these

machinations by G.A.M.E to burn the will of the NDC people at the July congress

through money influence and calls for a campaign free of undue influence as

well as hook and crook means.


Amenga-Etego SaCut

NDC youth with conviction of principle (YWCP)

027 1070555