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Opinions of Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Columnist: Awudu Moro Kabore

FSHS Policy under physical and spiritual attack from NDC; but it is bound to fail

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An educated population is an informed population; a statement of fact according to me, MK.

Elders say Education is the key to development but I beg to defer on that assertion, I however insist that education is development itself.

History shows us that, many countries have facilitated their own national socioeconomic development not because they had abundant natural resources but mainly because they had embarked on conscious and deliberate effort to develop their human resource base; a component key in any drive towards economic emancipation and empowerment.

Japan and South Korea, two Asian countries, provide a perfect example of how critical human development through education is key to national development.

Japan has practically no resources, in fact, their country is prone to natural disasters but economically and socially, they are considered as a developed country. Why? Because they have an educated and well- trained human base and that was achieved principally through education. They have an empowered workforce. An empowered workforce through education.

Ghana, in our attempt to move from a lower middle income status, an economic status hoisted on us by our development partners, to an upper middle income status can't be achieved by mere rhetoric has has been the situation in time past.

The NPP government in our insatiable desire to break the chain of 'mouth mouth without action' which will herald our quest for massive economic takeoff through industrialization has embarked on what would be described as an overambitious program to get all Ghanaian children of secondary school going age, who would have otherwise been loitering our streets selling dog chains and involve in other related demeaning activities back in the class; a program dubbed " Free SHS program "

This program in its first year of implementation has seen the retention of over 100,000 Ghanaian children whose progression to the Senior high school level would have been cut short for the reason we are all too familiar with; Cash Cash Cash.

Our colleagues/opponents on the other political divide, the NDC, would have none of this effort. Their desire as it has always been the case is for majority of Ghanaians to remain uneducated so as to continue being victims of their (NDC) naked propaganda. They want the 'ordinary' Ghanaian to be as gullible as the ordinary NDC sympathizer/footsoldier.

In furtherance of this unpatriotic agenda, they have launched what appears to be a party sanctioned a spiritual and physical attack on the FSHS program. To them, a successful FSHS program will mark the political demise of their dear party.

The NDC with the tacit support of their surrogates in some senior high schools have resorted to the theft of goods especially food items meant for some schools with the motive to sabotage the program.

The Matrons of Buipe Senior High School and Tolon High School both in the Northern Region were caught red-handed for stealing foodstuffs meant for their respective schools.

The Matron of Mepe St. Kizito Senior High School in the Aveyime in the North Tongu district in the Volta Region ably supported by her husband were also arrested for diverting foodstuffs meant for her school.

The last but not the least in the gang of thieves and state saboteurs is the Matron of the Ghana Senior high school in the Brong-Ahafo Region who has also been figured in this syndicate.

These are just but those unfortunate enough to be arrested. It however appears that, this unpatriotic move among the custodians of foodstuffs meant to feed students is rampant in most senior high schools across the country.

The NDC and their assigns appear not satisfied with their physical assault on this noble program. They have in addition poured unfathomable reasons as to why this program isn't working and must not work.

Hon. Okudzeto Ablakwa, a man who has gained notoriety as a serial liar, is on record to have said that, FSHS policy has increased the spate of teenage pregnancy in the country. A claim he is yet to back with hard core evidence.

Our Kumasiano brother, Joseph Yammin, a man noted for his populist empty remarks, is also reported to have said that, the recent teenage rape involving some teenagers were as a result of the implementation of the FSHS program; illogical isn't it?

Their weird excuses all directed at discrediting this noble policy does appear well choreographed with the intent to misinformed and deceive the unsuspecting Ghanaian public.

But, as hard as they push, the Ghanaian is unmoved with their cheap politicking; reducing everything to partisan politics, even with the future of our children.

The NDC should by now know that, their lies have caught up with them. Their credibility is in tatters and Ghanaians no longer takes them serious.

It is time they stop playing and get serious with serious matters.

Their physical and spiritual attack on the FSHS policy has failed and its bound to remain a failure.

The earlier they realize this reality the better for their own political survival.

A word to a wise is enough!