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Opinions of Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Columnist: Albion, Kojo

Fama Nyame (Leave it in the hands of the Lord)

What do we really mean when we say "fama Nyame". The 'correct' fama Nyame policy is not passive; it is active and positive - as demonstrated by biblical stalwarts such as David and Nehemiah. For instance, when David said 'the battle is not mine but the Lord's' [ie after leaving it in the hands of Nyame], (1Sam:17:45-47) he followed it up by doing something. He actively listened to God who must have told him what to do next, in specific terms, which he did faithfully and courageously. What followed that was the victory we sing about to this day.

Nehemiah, likewise, backed up his longing by conscientious prayer and listening to God for direction. He received God's direction to his prayer and followed it actively. And again his success became clear for all to see.

The same can be said for people like Moses, Esther, Gideon, Peter, Paul, to mention a handful. The glowing ' fama Nyame' examples left by these great leaders are as relevant to us today as they were in their times.

Fama Nyame is a vehicle for the journey (Struggle) but not the destination. 2 Corinthians 10:4 KJV - (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
Therefore we can not negate the power of the God of our ancestors. We have come this far by faith and He has promised us victory.

Fama Nyame but let us ACT in Nyame's name as He directs us- David and Nehemiah did. (Ekow and Kojo)