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Opinions of Saturday, 13 February 2016

Columnist: Rev. Francis J. Botchway

Fasting & Prayer: Spiritual and physiological benefits

(“Instead of using medicine, fast a day”, Plutarch, a Roman Historian “God’s ear is open to hear the prayer of His fasting saints”, Rev. Dr. Franklin Hall)


Lent, the 40-day fasting and prayer season for Christians worldwide is here with us again (from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday, excluding Sundays). A recent study on the significance of ‘fasting and prayer’ revealed a lot about the ‘spiritual and physiological benefits’ of the exercise. Thanks to Rev. Dr. Franklin Hall for his divinely inspired research on the subject.

Fasting helps the Spirit-filled believer to ‘move mountains’. That, in the Name of Jesus one can cause the ‘impossible to become possible’. Our Lord Jesus taught this truth. His disciples asked, ‘Master, why could we not cast out the demon?’ He said you need ‘faith’ and that “this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting” (Mark 9:14-29 RSV/KJV).

That, the 40-day prayer and fasting exercise made a difference in the lives of Moses, Elijah and Jesus Christ! They were elevated to a higher spiritual level; and their appearance on the Mount of Transfiguration confirmed this (Matt. 17:1-5).

I learnt that, ‘eating food, food’ without regular fasting causes the carnal nature to be elevated above the spiritual. But after fasting and prayer, the natural hold is loosened for the power of God and faith to help you do impossible things for God and society. Without fasting, prayer becomes ineffective or power-less. Fasting indeed ‘restores and amplifies prayer power’.

That, fasting is the ‘abstinence from food’ (and not water). We must take water during a fast because the body needs it to cleanse the system and make it work well. Jesus, after His 40-day and night fasting became hungry, and not thirsty. He was not asked to turn a heap of sand into water – because He was not thirsty but hungry (Matt. 4:2ff).

That, you need to ‘correctly and wisely' break the fast, so as not to damage the system. Juice, fruits, vegetables, etc., must be taken after a fast before resuming the regular solid food/meat.

That, the skin, kidneys, lungs and bowels are cleansed during the fast. Fasting also aids in deferring old age, as it changes your physical condition to make you younger.

Fasting in Biblical Times:

Fasting is as old as humanity. It had been a customary practice in ancient civilizations, including Chinese, Roman, and Indian societies for curative purposes. A Roman historian, Plutarch wrote centuries ago: “Instead of using medicine, fast a day”.

It has been noticed that some animals go without food and water at certain times of the year. Researchers found out at the world’s largest “Alligator Farm” in Los Angeles, USA that alligators (‘mampan’) enter into a “suspended animation for six months” every year. During this period they do not eat, drink or even breathe until the warm season when they will come out of their “anti-world environment” and steadily start eating again.

Fasting in Old Testament times was both a religious and non-religious custom (e.g. people fasted when they had lost a loved or plagued with a natural disaster). Religiously, it was a sign of mourning one’s sins or transgression against God. Through the Prophet Joel, God charged the Israelites to declare a ‘holy fast’ after their sin of disobedience (Chapter 1:13, 14; 2:12-17).

A fast was also called to avert or ward off current or impending danger. King Jehoshaphat declared a fast when Judah was under attack from the Moabites and Ammonites, and God defeated their enemies (2nd Chronicles 20). Queen Esther called for a fast to avert the diabolical plan of Haman and his cohorts to completely annihilate the Jews in all the provinces of Persia, and God heeded their prayers (Esther 4:15-17; 5:1ff).

The Philistines at one time declared war on Israel. In response, Samuel declared a fast, and as he was sacrificing a burnt offering, the Lord thundered a loud thunder which threw the Philistines into panic and confusion and they were routed before the Israelites (1st Sam. 7).

The custom of fasting continued during Jesus’ time. He taught about true fasting that glorifies or honours God and condemned the hypocritical fast that aimed at winning the applause of men (Matt. 6:16-18). According to tradition, devout Jews fasted twice in a week, as attested to by the ‘self-righteous’ Publican (Luke 18:12). These were observed on Mondays and Thursdays which were market days. John’s disciples and those of the Pharisees fasted regularly (Luke 5:33-35). Jesus Himself fasted for forty days and forty nights before the start of His earthly ministry (Luke 4:1-2). The Bible described Anna, the Prophetess as a woman who “served God with fasting and prayers night and day” (Luke 2:37).

Fasting is one of the key foundation pillars of the Christian faith. The structures of the Christian Church were built upon the veritable truth of prayer and fasting. Before the inauguration of the church, the disciples spent ten days waiting in prayer and fasting (See Acts 1:4, 12, 14; Acts 13:1-2; 2nd Cor. 6:5). Meanwhile, people with stomach ulcers, pregnant women, nursing mothers, and seriously ill or older persons, are barred from serious fasting.

Spiritual Benefits:

One of the divinely inspired writers and theologians who espoused the true benefits of ‘fasting and prayer’ was Rev. Dr. Franklin Hall. He launched the first worldwide fasting crusade in the USA in the 1940s and this spread to Europe and other parts of the world. He received amazing testimonies from the great revivals that shook the world, with thousands of souls saved. Franklin Hall taught that prayers backed by fasting are very potent; describing it as “God’s Atomic Power” that works mighty miracles.

Church leaders whom he tutored consecrated fasts for 21 days, and others up to 60 days or more and they performed many miracles including faith healing and casting out demons; “lunatics and cripples were healed, cancers disappeared, and those suffering from paralysis, stomach ulcers, tuberculosis, asthma, and blindness got healed.” According to Franklin Hall, after a Christian has fasted and prayed for a period, he/she gets “spiritual wings” to take off to the spiritual realms. “Unanswered prayers become answered. Divine healing becomes an accomplished fact. And Jesus is exalted.” If we fail to fast and pray our ‘natural self’ is elevated above the ‘spiritual self’, but after undertaking the exercise, the situation is reversed for our higher spiritual growth.

Regrettably, the fasting and prayer that works more than an ‘atomic bomb power’ is not taught in many churches. Several prayer camps and retreat centres are flocked by seekers who want to succeed or prosper overnight with unending lists of ‘wants’, not needs. True fasting and prayer goes beyond that. It must first transform the life of the individual to connect with God before impacting his/her church and community. Then God shall ‘add all other things needed’ (Matt. 6:33).

Some see fasting as a bother and that, it could affect their health. No! Fasting and prayer rather helps us to experience a closer relationship with God; when the ‘space and time to God’ is shrunk, or the ‘spiritual distance’ ceases or is shortened. A regular fasting and prayer raises one’s spiritual level to the utmost and God’s anointing (His divine favour, presence and power) manifests in your personal life and ministry.

God’s ear is very close to the heart that cries to the Throne of Grace via fasting and prayer. Heaven is open to our requests if we fast and pray sincerely! It has been revealed that: “A 21, or 40-day prayer and fasting will most assuredly hasten the Christian to such a deep and wonderful experience of God that, twenty-one days will equal twenty-one years. Forty days will equal forty years.” A forty-day prayer and fasting “brings far greater results than a shorter time. It brings the seeker closer to God more quickly than any other way known”.

Jesus, after His fasting in the wilderness overcame Satan (Matt. 4:2-11) and wants His followers to do same. Satan is the cause of barrenness/childlessness, untimely deaths, accidents, broken homes/marriages, dire poverty, disease and deformity, wars and conflicts, unbelief and rebellion against God and His Church, etc. etc. Our Lord in His ministration confronted the source of such afflictions and mishaps on people; i.e. demons/evil spirits.

Yes, almost all the incurable diseases and challenges that plague man are caused by demons. And Jesus taught that demons cannot be cured, they must be ‘cast out’. “This kind can only be cast out by fasting and prayer” (Matt. 17:21).

Jesus said ‘Watch and pray’ (Mark 14:38), and Paul added, ‘Pray without ceasing’ (Eph. 6:18) because we fight not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers of this dark world and spiritual rulers of the heavenly realms (Eph. 6:12). A fast backed by prayer enhances the faith that can move mountains, or cause the ‘impossible situations to become possible’. Paul himself said, “I fast often” (II Cor. 11:27).

Jesus hinted that when He, the Bridegroom “is taken away” His disciples shall then fast! (Luke 5:35). But ever since, most churches and their members have neglected serious prayer and fasting. The Church is thus not making great impact, as to winning souls to Christ, but rather sin and wickedness are on the increase.

‘Men should not live by bread (food) alone’, hence believers must fast regularly; whether a dry fast (water only); or dawn to sunset (6 to 6); or 6 to 12 noon. And to make a great difference spiritually, one can go for three, seven, ten, fourteen, twenty-one, twenty-eight or forty-day fasting and prayer with only water taken. The first few days may be difficult but later the body would adjust.

Fasting and prayer is not an easy exercise, yet it is the ‘secret weapon’ that causes wonders and quicker access to the Throne of God. Bro. Franklin Hall says, “When we persistently pray through and fast through, we are able to blast through to heaven”, adding, the “ear of God is open to hear the prayer of His fasting saints”.

Physiological Benefits: Fasting is the abstinence from food (not water). The body needs water to function effectively and the Lord whose face we seek made it so. With the aid of medical science, it has been established that fasting promotes good health rather than harming the body. “Fasting purifies and cleanses the body; it permits a balancing of the circulation (of blood)”. It allows the various eliminating organs to dispose of the negative or unwanted material from the system and to oxidize or burn up the useless matter. If not eliminated or cleansed these food material which have become a waste “choke up the small blood vessels and congest the lymph vessels” too.

Truly, fasting is the most powerful and quickest agent known for curing functional ailments, especially, stomach disorders. Physicians in ancient times taught that “abstentious living is the key to good health”. Denying oneself food can heal a sick body. Over the years, thousands of religious leaders and physicians have prescribed fasting as a cure for diseases. Days or weeks-long fast had been prescribed for patients to recover.

Again, many doctors, medical and health authorities had published lots of literature to explain the science of fasting, especially its connection to good health and the cure of diseases. One Dr. Frank McCoy in his book, ‘The Fast Way to Health’ wrote, “I have made a most exhaustive study of every method of cure; from mind to modern surgery and gland therapy, and I have never found a single method that could approach, even closely in its results, the benefits which come from some form of the fasting cure”.

Fasting aids the body’s processes of self-recovery. It “has proven almost a miracle of recovery in ailments such as asthma, high fever, constipation, headaches, colds, skin disorder, arthritis, and rheumatism, blood diseases, and anything else along the line of blood functional diseases”. Patients with nervous and mental disorder, paralysis, semi-paralysis, neurasthenia and other forms of insanity had been cured through the power of fasting and prayer.

Fasting is a critical way of ‘house-cleaning’ the body and the Holy Spirit will be pleased to dwell in a ‘clean temple’. The body can be cleansed via four key means:

i. The Skin: Through its millions of pores, the skin is one channel through which much toxic waste is eliminated. During a fast, much more waste is removed through the pores than at any other time. Jesus directed that “when you fast wash your face”. Frequent bathing is recommended to wash away the excreted material and keep the pores open and fresh up. ii. The Kidneys: Whether or not you are fasting, the kidneys need much water, because water dilutes the urine - which constantly washes out the poisons that are poured into the kidneys. Take, at least, six glasses or enough of pure water each day that you fast. iii. The Lungs: These two organs help us to breath. During a fast a lot of poison is exhaled through the nostrils, from the oxygenation of the blood. The lungs eliminate the same type of poison as the skin, kidneys and bowels. They emit bad odour through the nostrils and mouth. “Bad breath is a good sign that the house-cleaning process is going on”. But as the fast prolongs, the vapour that comes out of the lungs will clear up and the breath, as well as the taste in the mouth, will become as clean and odourless like that of a baby.

It is recommended that you paste or wash your mouth often in the day. A menthol mint can also be placed on the tongue to ease the odour, but not a chewing gum which has a lot of sugar that would be too much for the stomach during a fast.

The Bowels: Through these organs solid waste matter is excreted. It is natural for one to visit the washroom (toilet) once or twice a day but during a fast the bowels would move or excrete less frequently, and one should not be alarmed about that. The bowels are the last four of the means by which the body eliminates waste matters when we fast for a longer period. Too much eating weakens the organs’ ability to function effectively. Fasting helps our organs to become refreshed and stronger.

Fasting Defers Old Age: Another key physiological advantage of fasting is that in the long run it helps you to retain youthful complexion and appearance. It defers old age and keeps the body young.

It has been averred that an “early old age is both a biological and mental abnormality”, resulting from the accumulation of impurities or waste deposits in the system. Abstention from food can help remove these deposits and “thus defer the physiological process that brings on old age.” There is another saying, “We are only as old as the number of dead cells we have in our body.” A person can look younger after fasting for a number of days or weeks. Moses, after being in the presence of God for forty days and nights, at age 120 before his death looked younger; he had the strength and constitution of a young man; “... his eyes were not dim (weak), nor his natural force abated (nor his strength gone)” Deut. 34:7.

The physical house-cleaning exercise goes with a ‘mental house cleaning’. After the bodily purification is accomplished, signs of “pessimism, gloom, discouragement, anger, grudges, fear, morbidity, despondency, worry, fussiness, mental tensions, perversions, vile and deprived thoughts, excitability, other forms of mental conditions, and bad habits disappear completely”.

Value of Physical Exercise and Rest: A regular exercise will assist the fast; making fasting and praying easier. It easies the weaknesses and makes you go through the fasting period smoothly. Exercising the body keeps the blood circulating to help you undertake the difficult task of fasting and praying for a longer period.

During a fast take sufficient rest and sleep, after making time for Bible reading, meditation and prayers. Take more rest when you are fasting than when not fasting!

Why Take Water During Fasting! One Bible dictionary defined ‘fasting’ as “Abstinence from food, especially as a religious observance”. One secular dictionary defined it as “Taking of a little or no food”. There is a distinction between food and water. The truth is that real fasting goes with water. A longer fast without water is suicidal; it can destroy the body’s system which is ‘the temple of God’ (1st Cor. 3:17), resulting in stomach ulcers and other ailments.

Jesus directed that during a fast one should “anoint the head, and wash your face…” (Matt. 6:16-18). Washing of the face is to clean the toxic stains from the face. How much more drinking water to help clean out the ‘corruption in the stomach’? Without water, the stomach becomes ‘deflated, collapsed and depressed’ and that can harm the body. Without water, the system chokes up and the body becomes filthy internally. “The tongue, which is the upper part of the stomach becomes heavily coated” during fasting and the odour that comes out of the pollution has been generated in the stomach. Doctors say, “Some particles remain in the intestinal tract for more than a month, until the putrefaction (rotten) gets worse” than a garbage (refuse).

And these particles that have remained unassimilated in the stomach, together with “other faecal matter, require a great deal of water to break them down and help soften this material so that it can be eliminated”. Without water, the waste “will harden; the worms and bugs which are heavily present to some extent, will dry up on the intestines, the tongue will eventually thicken, and if the ‘thirsting fast’ is prolonged, the individual will die”, unless the Lord intervenes.

The Apostle Paul made a clear distinction between thirst and fasting. He said in 2nd Cor. 11:27 (NIV), “…I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without food”. Other versions say “ hunger and thirst, in fasting often”. Water is needed not only by the internal organs but also by the external parts of the body. One needs to bathe externally, as often as possible, during a fast, as his pores become laden with toxin (poison), especially his face and hands.

Some cite Moses’ experience with God to discount the “drink water” argument. Exodus 34:28 states that, Moses was in the presence of God “without eating bread or drinking water”. He did not need physical bread and water when he was before the Great Provider, Supplier, Sustainer and Source of Bread and Water. Moses was rather fed with spiritual anointing – the power, favour and presence of God. His face became radiant; shining brightly after that ‘supernatural encounter’. And when he died at age 120, Moses had the strength and physical constitution of a young man. (Deut. 34:7)

How to Break the Fast: The dread of discomforts and health complications has discouraged many people from fasting. But this is mainly as a result of poor handling of the breaking of a fast. Breaking a fast must be done ‘wisely and correctly’. You may get along nicely with the fast but impatience may compel you to begin eating your usual, favourite foods just after the exercise.

When you fast for a longer period, your stomach turns ‘brand new’ like a child’s and it must be allowed to adjust before taking in heavy food again. The longer the fast (water only or fruit juice only fast), the more care we must take before resuming our regular meal. The stomach must be broken in gradually, as time is needed to return to normal functions of the digestive organs.

“And when you break a fast, it must be done properly to avoid injuring the stomach”. It is advisable to first start the break with fresh citrus fruits, oranges and grapefruits. Fresh tomato juice, grape juice and juices from watermelon, pineapple, apple, etc. are equally good for breaking the fast.

It is dangerous to sit down immediately after a period of fasting to eat a regular meal; never rush your stomach after a fast. Your regular meal (fufu, kenkey, banku, ampesi, gari soakings, or jollof rice and meat, etc.) should not start until at least the number of days have elapsed, equal to the number of days that you have fasted. If you fasted for 28 days, you should have a gradual breaking-in period of 28 days before you resume the regular meal.

The truth is, the longer you wait and slowly move on to regular eating, the better it will be for your physical condition. And remember to take warm water or pure water, not cold water.

Conclusion: The over-riding reason for fasting is to glorify God; to please Him. Fasting helps to ease or shorten the communication distance between you and the Supreme God. This ‘closer-contact with God’ enables the power and the gifts of the Holy Spirit to operate in full force, causing ‘impossible situations to become possible’.

The anointing of the Holy Spirit requires regular fasting and prayer for more power. Paul said, “I fast often” (2nd Cor. 11:27). If you desire more anointing to heal the sick, cast out demons, preach the Word for positive impact, win more souls to Christ and for other signs and wonders or breakthroughs, then the ‘secret weapon’ is regular fasting and prayer. Arguably, ‘demons’ are behind the sufferings and broken expectations of people. Jesus says demons cannot be cured but ‘must be cast out through fasting and prayer’ (Matt. 17:21). And assuredly, ‘heaven is open to our requests if we fast and pray sincerely.’

Physiologically, fasting allows the body to enjoy occasional holidays or vacation, which it needs most to help it recuperate. The body needs a good rest to enable it function well. Often we over work or overload the organs with the consequences of our wrong lifestyle – eating, drinking, and thinking. The millions of little cells which labour so incessantly for our physical well-being are not allowed any rest. It is recommended that believers fast, at least, once a week for their own good, health-wise, and never forget to take water.

Indeed, many of the great revivals that shook several parts of the world were born in fasting and prayer. Fasting can open or lock doors of impossibility. Start a fast now!

[The writer is a former Senior Media Officer of the Bible Society of Ghana and Managing Editor of the Christian Messenger newspaper.]