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Opinions of Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Columnist: Adjei Boakye

Fight for change

The youth is being asked to fight for change The youth is being asked to fight for change

Talking against or opposing the current system doesn't make you a naysayer, but rather shows how enthusiastic you are about a circumstance. It's a gross show of patriotism to the state.

We the young experience the ill effects of terrible schools, poor health system, joblessness, dilapidated streets and some more.

It's an ideal opportunity to join the political space and not to convey packs of the oppressors. We shouldn't tow and publicize them superfluously. This is the time to join and wipe down the awful practices in the general public.

We are brimming with thoughts and great goals and we should fuel our natural ability to construct the future.

The period of "choooboi" is finished, and it's an ideal opportunity to save the future.

Equal Opportunities:

The time has come to build a society, a society that can give free and equivalent opportunities. We should build a society where the rich and the poor will get equivalent favors from the state.

Nepotism free system is what we should work towards for the salvation of the unborn generation.

A society that won't endure disparities and would be able to openly condemn the despicable activities of the oppressors.

Our desires are being squashed by these thin-gods within our God given society and we ought to intensely criticize it.

Howard Thurman once said, " the world is divided between the haves and have-nots, those favoured, whom the state will protect and help, and those out of favour, to whom the state disclaimed and denied any responsibility."
This shows the degree of chronicity of the circumstance.

We have ended up in a space where financial and social disparities are all around acknowledged and unfortunately celebrated.

A sick country loaded with unfit prescribers needs some crisis care from the youth.

The future has a place with the youth. We can build a free society that can support the future.

May God bless us all, and seal the deals as discussed.