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Opinions of Thursday, 2 April 2020

Columnist: Newton-Offei Justice Abeeku

Fighting coronavirus demands a collective effort

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In this time of unprecedented global crisis, it is incumbent on everyone with a voice, influence, and knowledge to do his/her part to compliment efforts of State, to contain, manage and curb the rampaging coronavirus.

It is imperative that we all put our hands to the wheel, to stem this tide because the crisis is global and therefore the usual benevolence of the West will not come, should we find ourselves in what is unfolding the developed countries.

Our role

The following are what should, therefore, occupy our attention, as patriots, by way of educating our fellow Ghanaians who, through no fault of theirs, are not in a position to appreciate the enormity of the situation confronting us:

1. The disease isn't a creation of the Government.

2. No nation on earth had prepared for such a calamity.

3. Mass movements from one location to another worsens the transmission of the disease.

4. The lockdown makes room for everyone to get essentials.

5. Markets haven't been shut to put porters completely out of job.

6. Moving from Accra to the north puts themselves and their families at risk of contracting the disease.

These are few tips we can use our positions to educate our people, specifically close family members, and the public at large, rather than totally perverted storylines to the effect that the state is shirking it's a responsibility to protecting the citizens.

Role of journalists

Why don't we ever talk about measures being put in place to curb and contain the disease, but always painting a picture of gloom?

Watching these global media outlets, the focus has been seeking answers from experts who always proffer cogent solutions for tackling the problem. However, the picture here in Ghana is the opposite.

There are particular Ghanaian journalists who have dedicated all their time and energies to inciting a section of our populace, particularly the underprivileged, into thinking that their woes in these times of global crisis, can be blamed on the Government. And a classic example is Manasseh Azure Awuni

As a journalists, their core mandate is to educate, inform and entertain: with the current crisis, their focus must be on education and information and not insipid jokes since dealing with coronavirus scourge is not a circus!!!


Partisan politics should have no part to play in these times. Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump have not been on talking terms since September, 2019, yet, they are in close collaboration in formulation of policies to combat coronavirus pandemic in America.

But in Ghana, the opposition's solution in tackling the coronavirus pandemic is for the president to reshuffle his ministers, cut down the numbers by 99% and sack all appointees at the presidency so that their monthly salaries can be used to procure ventilators, PPEs and other critical supplies.

Meanwhile, these are the very people who increased their salaries by 200% at the time the legitimacy of their victory was still in contention at the Supreme Court in 2012.


Hypocrisy and senseless political bigotry motivated purely by insatiable hunger for power is not what build nations.

We must therefore do away with jokes and tackle the situation with all seriousness because our destiny is in our own hands.


Newton-Offei Justice Abeeku

email: [email protected]