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Opinions of Monday, 10 June 2019

Columnist: Kwadwo Tufuor

Fighting terrorism, kidnappings, and armed robberies in Ghana

The three kidnapped Takoradi girls The three kidnapped Takoradi girls

The recent menace of terror threats, kidnappings, and increased armed robberies in Ghana call for a concerted effort in dealing with the problems.
1. Community awareness and alertness.

Our various communities must be made aware of the imminent threats staring us in the face. The communities must be sensitized on alertness strategies and must be fully informed on defensive mechanisms or tactics.

All communities must be adequately informed of the modus operandi of terrorists and kidnappers.
The typical Ghanaian hospitality must be “revised”.

2. Community Volunteer Groups need to be formed. The Groups must be trained and used both as informants and local defence units.

3. Handsome and worthwhile rewards must be set aside for informants.
4. The government must form Special Anti Kidnapping and Anti Armed Robbery Units in the Security Agencies in every District. These Units must be ruthless.

Members of Vigilante Groups which have recently come under attack and many of our jobless youth could be drafted into these Units.

4. Forget the Rule of Law.

Emergency situations require emergency responses.
Terrorism cannot be fought legally because it is a belief system which exists in the minds of the perpetrators who randomly unleash their venom and thereafter go back to their normal lives as though nothing had happened.

a. Law abiding citizens of Ghana must be protected.

b. Our young ones must feel safe in their own country.

c. Tourists who bring in millions of foreign exchange all year round must be protected.

d. Businesses owned and operated by foreigners but which oil the wheels of the Ghanaian economy must be protected.

e. We must learn from the initial laissez-faire reaction which did not benefit countries like Nigeria and Burkina Faso. They are now forced to deal with Boko Haram. Is that what we want?

6. Leaders of the Units mentioned in #4 above must be of the caliber or the likes of Lt. Col. (Rtd.) Gbevlo Lartey, COP Kofi Boakye, and COP Dr. Akuffo Dampare. In other words, we need uncompromising and no-nonsense security and intelligence officers as leaders.

7. National Security and other Security Agencies should talk less and do more leg work.

8. Business owners (local and foreign) must raise money to support the Ghana government’s efforts to fight crime. We all stand to gain.

9. Hoteliers must be encouraged to divulge information on suspicious guests.
I am not hoping for a pat on my shoulder for this write up.

What I am hoping for is a peaceful Ghana with institutions and strategies in place to deal with crime today and in the future.

God bless our homeland Ghana.