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Opinions of Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Columnist: Adwoa Asiedu kyerewaa

Fired from free town

The author is asking Africa to arise The author is asking Africa to arise

Fighting for the diamond, forgetting it’s uncommon commonest.

Cursed from the blessings nature bestows.

Tears dripping down cheeks as women wail, infants trail in travails.

Children tremble in fear for the lost….

The fittest couldn’t escape survival.

Because all living things are died by the riffles they wiled.

It’s a cruel smart thrill that takes a toll on the lowly.

And that’s so real, but unrare.

Displacement and distraction greet the great.

Great famine from poverty as they are pillaged from their plights.

And there’s no security.

From the violation of their right to the deformation of their lives.

Goodness; turn to see what your resource has a caused-they fight, they kill, they amputate, they torture and they maim.

No one is to trust for we lose the trust for what we eat.

We do not know the right path to even start and to chart.

Conflict is at fault but we blame and hail humanity.

From our little misunderstandings to our discrimination than our condemnation.

Insensitivity floods our tolerance and we unfairly find faults.

They cry they weep, and they wail….

We find this a greater depth to pay for a billion deaths.

Africa, arise….