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Opinions of Monday, 7 October 2013

Columnist: Appiah-Osei, Lawrence

“For the Battle is the Lord’s” (1 Sam. 17:47)

Some few weeks before the 2012 elections in Ghana, the NPP, led by their Presidential candidate came up with a slogan that says “For the battle is the Lord’s.” The 2012 elections are over and the NPP lost. During a press conference by the NPP before the Supreme Court case, Nana Akufo-Addo ended his speech with “For the battle is still the Lord’s.” The Supreme Court case is over and the NPP lost the case. The communicators and members of the NPP, when they come on the radio and they finish with their statement, they end it with the slogan, “For the battle is still the Lord’s.”
At the moment, what battle are the NPP referring to? They must at this time know that the battles they referred to before the 2012 elections and Supreme Court case are over and God won those battles. God does not win his battles on NPP terms but on his own terms. The fact that NPP lost those battles does not mean that God is not answering prayers. God answers every single prayer, but what NPP does not know is that God answered “NO” to their prayer request. What is going on now within the NPP justifies God answering “NO” to their prayer request to rule Ghana again. They are not ready yet.
When Prof. Atta Mills and some important and powerful Pastors were praying every morning at the Castle, the NPP came out on the radio, Television, press statements and condemned the President and told him to fix the Ghana economy and stop the “nonsense” he and his Pastors are doing at the Castle. I don’t know what the prayer topics were that they prayed about but I can say for a fact that the prayer topics included the life and family of the President, about Ghana, and also that Ghana will remain peaceful after each election.
When Prof. Atta Mills was praying for a peaceful Ghana election after election, the NPP called that “nonsense.” Now when elections 2012 came up close, they came up with a slogan “For the battle is the Lord’s.” Please NPP, do you not think that God is stupid.
Before elections 2012, Nana Akufo-Addo went to Israel. I don’t know what he went there to do and what he learned from there but he came back to Ghana and committed the elections 2012 to “all die be die.” Now when they saw that defeat was coming their way, they quickly resorted to “For the battle is the Lord’s.”
The phrase, “For the battle is the Lord’s” was said by David when he confronted Goliath, in the all famous battle “David versus Goliath.” Come to think about it, in the elections 2012 between President John Mahama and Nana Akufo-Addo, who was the David and who was the Goliath? Nana Akufo-Addo was in politics before President John Mahama was born. He campaigned for 48 months as against President Mahama’s one and half months. So who should say “For the battle is the Lord’s?” Nana Akufo-Addo took the image of David in election 2012 that was why he was given a very good beating.
Prof. Atta Mills has already committed elections in Ghana into the hands of the Almighty God up until 2050 and beyond and in all these elections, NDC will win and Ghana will continue to be peaceful. The battle has already been the Lord’s and he has won all those battles. God is in control and he will make sure that Ghana succeeds. It does not matter what the devil will do or say, the battle has already been fought and won.
I am sorry that this article is too religious, but the NPP people have made it so because they don’t even know where and why “For the battle is the Lord’s” was said. The NPP should know that they can’t eat their cake and have it. They can’t say the elections 2012 was an “all die be die” affair and turn around later and say “For the battle is the Lord’s;” NPP cannot say Prof. Atta Mills’ prayers for Ghana was “nonsense” and turn around later and say “For the battle is the Lord’s;” Nana Akufo-Addo cannot take the image of David when he is clearly the Goliath in the battle of elections 2012. He can’t quote David and win when he should be quoting Goliath.
God is not stupid. NDC will win elections in Ghana up until 2050 and beyond and Ghana will continue to be peaceful. “For God is in Control”
“In March 2014 when the NDC will be having their Congress and planning on how to again win in 2016, the NPP will still be struggling to find out what went wrong at the Supreme Court and who will lead them to another defeat.”

Lawrence Appiah (Protocol)
Public Relations Officer (PRO)
NDC Washington Metro Branch
[email protected]