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Opinions of Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Columnist: Peter Antwi Boasiako

Freddie Blay vrs Stephen Ntim; my humble view

Freddie Blay Freddie Blay

I have keenly followed the two leading gentlemen, Stephen and Freddie, vying for the position of the NPP National Chairmanship. I have studied both, watched their choice of words on radio interviews and their posture in public engagements, watched who carries the luminous intensity of glow and the air of unity needed in the party as in government, the one who has demonstrated the requisite pragmatism and ability to take tough as nails decisions to move the party forward in the challenging times.

In my view, I think Mr. Freddie Blay, the current Acting Chairman, stands relatively greater height than all others and has positioned himself better to lead the party to the next victory 2020. I think Freddie Blay must be voted for as the next National Chairman of the NPP at the upcoming National Congress.

Amongst all other positives that can be deduced from Blay in NPP, his singular decision taken to allow the suspension of Afoko and Kwabena Agyapong, and his unflinching centroid focus to steer the affairs of the party into victory 2016, to me, was a masterpiece.

Even upon all the names people called him, such as opportunistic CPP man, Opana, Rabbit man, used his newspaper to advertise for the NDC and what have you; he gently stayed focused to steer the affairs of the party.

With his experience as a Former First Deputy Speaker of Parliament and an Acting National Chairman of NPP till date, and many other positive attributes of him, would serve NPP better in gov't than all others.

However, I have always thought that Stephen Ntim would have been far better elected Chairman in his last two attempts when we were in opposition, but wouldn't serve NPP better in power.

In my view, one of Stephen's badly calculated public comments recently was when he openly said that: “I was called by President Nana Addo to step down but I told him in the face that I won’t and so nothing or no one can cow me. My people are solidly behind me because they believe in me and what I am capable of doing”.... when speaking in an interview with Asempa FM’s Ek?sii S?n.

That, singular comment, I think did not augur well for Mr. Ntim, and it still portrays a very bad picture between himself and the President, whichever way you look at it.

This is my humble opinion!!

Peter Antwi Boasiako