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Opinions of Sunday, 8 March 2009

Columnist: Agyemang , Frank

Free Ataa Ayi Movement in the offing

The above named group is about to be formed, already plans are far advanced and media strategy well outlined to garner more members. Fortunately we are well protected by the constitution which clearly permits freedom of association and so this is not an illegal course of action. Invitation letters are already prepared and will soon be sent out to the various press houses for the official launch of this movement. It is made up of non-entities like me who believe in freedom and justice regardless of one’s political affiliations. What we intend doing is to bring to the public’s domain some vital details which will eventually reveal that Ataa Ayi’s incarceration is more of political than criminal prosecution as had been publicized. We will make the public aware of this young man’s strong affiliations to the then opposition party which is now in power (NDC). Once we succeed in proving this position and politicize the whole issue, we are assured of getting members who will consistently put pressure on the government to which fortunately we had already suggested he belonged. The obvious thing is he will be freed. After all, he is a member of the ruling party.

As the Founder of this movement, I intend delving into all other criminal issues right from drug trafficking to armed robbery. I will smartly link anyone jailed under the previous governments’ term to political vendetta hence fight for their freedom. Regardless of whatever crime that person committed, I will trace it to that person’s political history to which relatives and well wishers will readily corroborate. For those yet to be jailed under the NDC government, regardless of their crimes also, I will suggest formation of pressure groups to their defense. Such movements will be formed just as the person is declared a suspect, even prior to court proceedings. At least through these activities of mine, the non-entity, Frank Agyemang will now become very popular and well linked granting interviews here and there as the founder and leader of Free Ataa Ayi movements and others yet to be formed. I have already prepared my speeches and very ready for any interview. I mean speeches are ready for even those yet to be declared as suspects for causing financial loss to the state. Regardless of the loss, we have already made up our minds that it is just because such persons belong to the previous government. We will however be disappointed in case the Atta Mills’ led government refuses to prosecute anyone because then our chance for prominence and possible appointments agenda in next government will be curtailed and this will be very damaging to our intentions. So we might possibly identify some rival groupings to push for prosecutions of people whom we know very well cannot escape this terrible tag “causing financial loss to the state”. Looking at the trend of affairs in this country, we might set up our own land mines in terms of dealing with issues dispassionately and deteriorate the credibility of state institutions that deal with issues pertaining crimes. Party affiliations could soon become immunities to crimes and other offences. Obviously the smart ones will play those cards and not hesitate to go public. Once there is a link, be it direct or indirect, one will be safe or dealt with depending on where the linkage ends politically. I am not going to elaborate on instances here but I believe there are smart people out there who can decipher occurrences and make their own conclusions. At the moment, the formation of these freedom movements are launched before a judge pronounces his or her verdict. For me and my freedom movement, before you are declared a suspect, it is already formed. In fact, as soon as we hear that government has formed a committee or body of inquiry to look into the allegations or activities of so and so then we declare the freedom movement officially launched and we go ahead to tag that activity as witch hunting and politically motivated action.

For instance, Haruna Iddrisu, Communications Minister had just inaugurated a Committee to look into allegations of financial impropriety particularly in the areas of money transfer business and of passport forms and phone cards sales which had led to the breakdown of communication between management, staff and the local union who had been trading accusations and counter accusations. Just after Haruna’s announcement, I have formed a freedom group already. I really don’t intend to wait for the findings because i know very well where the MD belongs politically, so for you to come out with such an agenda we have already read politics into it. It is witch hunting and politically motivated! I ‘smell’ the law on causing financial loss to the state especially considering fact that the committee had been tasked to look into alleged serious mismanagement of the instant money transfer (IMT) business by management resulting in its suspension and the degree to which GP had been the loser financially.

This whole gamut of wrongdoings and crimes being beautified with political colorations is leading to a whole distrust of our state institutions responsible for maintaining law and order as well as the judicial system. I witnessed an incident on the Teshie-Nungua road and this really made me felt the extent to which this canker had eaten deep into our day-to-day lives. A policeman caught a trotro driver taking a short-cut which had been blocked to join the main route. This recalcitrant driver looked at the policeman and told him in the face that he is doing this to him the driver because he is an NDC man and the policeman by virtue of his appearance is an NPP man. Coincidentally the driver had an NDC paraphernalia displayed in his vehicle. The driver politicized his wrongful act justifying it with the explanation that numerous drivers had done that but were not bothered except him a well known NDC driver. The long and short of this story is that, the police officer was virtually crippled to taking any action. The ‘smart’ driver was left off the hook! This is what I’m talking about.

Politicians themselves have corrupted the whole system to the extent that once you touch them or any member of theirs irrespective of the reason, they consider that as politically motivated. Even if they get robbed of which some of us ordinary Ghanaians have become used to, they will tell you it is an act of their political opponents. Now their supporters of followers are getting smarter and getting the twist so they are also effectively politicizing any occurrence that does not augur well for them even when they know very well the law is against their acts.

A chaos society is where we are drifting to and the earlier these issues are taking seriously on national platform for deliberations and considerations the better it will be for us. Very soon, judges will be tagged as belonging to one political party or the other. This has already started so it will continue. Of course, smart people at courts can lean on their political affiliations and make a judge look stupid in his or her verdict. A time is coming when anyone that goes to courts will mention his or her political affiliation as a way of introducing him/herself. For instance, should my case get to any court under NDC government, I will introduce myself as Frank Agyemang, a sympathizer of the NPP. I will do the reverse should it be the other way. Once I make that public, regardless of the merits or demerits of the case, I will consciously rope in political twist hence win some sympathy.

Free Ataa Ayi Movement and other planned ones are in the offing so just give us a suspect and we will help pushing for your interest. We might even be going round seeking for suspects to assist so watch out.

Frank Agyemang [email protected]