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Opinions of Thursday, 4 November 2010

Columnist: Tawiah, Francis

Free Supply Of (Empty) Cups Is Useless, Unless ...

.... They Are Filled With Drinks.

Ghana Government idea of embossing President Mills’ pictures on cups for distribution to schools in the country is useless unless the cups are linked with an effective school feeding program, whereby the children will always use the “Mills Cups” to drink.

Since those “Campaign Cups” are surely not meant for decoration in the classrooms, drinks must be provided too by the government to enhance an effective use of the cups as well as to draw the attention of the school children to the embossed picture of the PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF GHANA, Prof. John Evans Atta Mills on the cups which are to educate the children about who the president of Ghana is. This can only be effective through a good functioning nationwide school feeding program. “No drink no cup”

Apart from encouraging the children to make effective use of the cups, they may still not see the essence of those cups and that will be a total wasting of Tax payer’s money (resources) only to create an image for the President to making him popular among many school children who are yet to know who the President of Ghana is.

“The horse must first be thirsty before it will drink; just pulling it to the riverside will not make it drink”

FRANCIS TAWIAH (Duisburg – Germany)