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Opinions of Sunday, 17 July 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Free of charge advice to Asantehene

Brought up to have compassion on people; brought up to share
my food with the needy and the poor and to assist them
financially when I have the means; brought up to open the
floodgates of my overflowing fountain of wisdom to allow
whosoever will to drink freely from it, today, I deem myself
obliged to offer Asantehene free, but very useful advice,
without charging him a farthing. It is then up to him to
either avail himself of this greatest opportunity I am
offering him today, Saturday 16th July 2016, or to ignore me
for being a complete non-starter.

Following Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II’s malicious
involvement in the ongoing Kumawu chieftaincy dispute in
which he has deliberately colluded with Kumawuhemaa Nana
Abenaa Serwaah Amponsah, and with the tacit support of the
Asanteman Council, to malignantly rewrite the history of
Kumawu, he surely needs moral cleansing.

His attempted effort made to denigrate the subjects of
Kumawuman, by usurping the powers of the Kumawu kingmakers,
to collusively impose one Dr Yaw Sarfo on Kumawuman as their
paramount chief (“Omanhene”) is clearly unconventional.

His lack of knowledge of Kumawu history, or his deliberate
decision to make the Kumawu Ankaase “royal” family
members the matrilineal descendants of Barima Tweneboa Kodua
I, the originator of the Kumawu paramount Kodua Stool, is

The true Kumawu royals who have matrilineal lineage to
Barima Tweneboa Kodua I are the Ananangya and the Odumase
royal families whom Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II tried to
side-line at his Manhyia Palace during his prejudiced
supposedly final adjudication of the Kumawu stool dispute on
24th February 2014, but not the Ankaase “royal” family
members. Check the YouTube web link below.

Otumfuo Osei Tutu II’s unilateral decision to secretly
survey the Kumawu Afram Plains stool lands with intent to
divide the lands among the chiefs of Kumawu, Agogo and
Kwamang was not right. He has absolutely no affairs doing
with Kumawuman lands let alone, arranging to share them
among three chiefs and also, negotiating to sell them to a
Norwegian businessman with connections to the Norwegian
royal family.

I would like Asantehene to note the following.

a. The Kumawu Ankaase “royal” family
members are without any patrilineal let alone, matrilineal
lineage to Barima Tweneboa Kodua I, the originator of the
Kumawu Kodua Stool. However, the Ananangya and the Odumase
royal families are the matrilineal descendants of Barima
Tweneboa Kodua I. This is a historic fact known to every
discerning Kumawuman elderly person who is ready to tell the
truth at all times.
b. No Asantehene has the right to meddle in
Kumawu chieftaincy affairs let alone, colluding with
Asanteman Council to impose an ineligible person on
Kumawuman subjects as their Omanhene.
c. Does Otumfuo Osei Tutu II know that his
covert actions to expropriate the lands of Kumawuman is at
variance with the permission granted to the requests made by
Barima Tweneboa Kodua I, prior to offering himself as a
sacrificial lamb to save Asante Kingdom from defeat in their
war with then powerful archenemy, the Denkyiras? – 1. No
Asantehene should ever try or seek to take any part of
Kumawuman lands 2. No Asantehene should seek to receive any
money from Kumawuman as payment of allegiance to the Golden
Stool 3. No member of the Kumawu royals, and subjects of
Kumawuman, is to be killed on the death of any Asantehene or
any paramount chief within the Asante Kingdom.
d. Kumawu was one of the initial city-states
that came together to form the loose Asante Confederacy
hence despite her allegiance to the Golden Stool, Asantehene
has no authority over her lands and other resources.

Having made the above points clearer to Asantehene Otumfuo
Osei Tutu II, the next question is, why has he obstinately
sought to go against the conventions in place as just
stated? Is it because he is insatiably greedy and may want
to reap from where he has not sown?

Since he has clearly abused his power with regard to
Kumawu’s membership within Asanteman Council, I shall only
advise him to apologise to Kumawuman subjects and their
elders and then shamefully pull out of the Kumawu
chieftaincy dispute. He should note that it takes a man to
swallow his pride to say sorry, after they have erred. But
to continue to pursue his objective of robbing Kumawuman,
knowing that he is in the wrong, doesn’t make him any
strong respectable King but a weak and disgraced traditional
leader without integrity.

Yes, it is true that we at times resort to evil means to
solve our evil problems. Does it worth of Asantehene going
round kneeling before judges and running to President Mahama
pleading with them to twist justice in his favour in the
ongoing Kumawu chieftaincy dispute, knowing very well that
he has obviously breached the traditions and customs in

Is it of any use trying to gain the support of some
Kumawuman subjects to persist in his devilish intentions
against the collective interests of Kumawuman? He feels he
will be publicly ridiculed should the judges decide the
ongoing Kumawu chieftaincy case pending in court,
truthfully; basing their verdict on available credible
evidence and facts.

Does the fact that he will feel ashamed and disgraced if the
court case goes against him be a deciding factor for the
courts to lie in his favour? No!

Many a time have I questioned who those advising Asantehene
Otumfuo Osei Tutu II are? I think they do not give him any
useful advice. They only tell him what he wants to hear, the
sweet lies, instead of what he must be told, the bitter

As wisdom does not reside with only the old persons and grey
hair not being the repository of wisdom, I shall invite
Asantehene to cogitate about my advice to him to cease his
diabolical plans against Kumawuman.

It is not true what he goes about telling people that it is
only two people in Kumawuman that are not happy about his
choice of, and means of imposing, Dr Yaw Sarfo, on Kumawuman
as their Omanhene. About 95% of Kumawuman subjects are not
happy about how Dr Yaw Sarfo, the alleged Kumawuhene Barima
Sarfo Tweneboa Kodua was selected.

Lies will not help Asantehene but the truth.

I have volunteered to offer Asantehene free advice in the
belief that “it does not belong to he who is leading to
redirect their steps”. He can ignore my advice at his own

The efforts to liberate Kumawuman from the shenanigans of
Asantehene and his accomplices are growing stronger each
passing day.

Unless he changes his character and ways for the better, he
will continue to suffer bloody nose as long as he remains an
illegal land-grabber and land-seller. Kumawu chieftaincy
case will honestly be a thorn in his flesh so he had better
think twice before stubbornly persisting to indulge in it as
biased and unconventionally as he is doing.

He ain’t seen nothing yet! More shocking info to follow
soon so please, dear public reader, stay tuned.

Rockson Adofo