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Opinions of Monday, 25 April 2011

Columnist: Kwawukume, Andy C. Y.

Fuiga Agbeve And Adika Drafor ....

.....Lineages Of The Adzorvia Royal Family Of Anlo
Afegame, Yorxoenu, Anloga,

P.O Box 51, Anloga V/Region, Ghana

His Excellency Prof. John Evans Atta-Mills
The President of the Republic of Ghana
Office of the President, Castle, Osu, Accra

Your Excellency,


We respectfully wish to bring to your attention the provocative and unlawful use of the Police Service under the influence and orders of some members of your government and Presidency to unlawfully and illegally interfere in the Anlo Chieftaincy dispute that they have created in the first place. We need to mention Prof. Kofi Awoonor and Mr. Dan Abodakpi whose roles in these illegal acts date as far back as 1998, and whose conducts, to a large measure, are the cause of the Anlo chieftaincy dispute. We have therefore taken appropriate legal action against them and the main culprits involved in the illegal and unlawful acts of 21st February 2011 in flagrant disrespect to the Courts of Ghana.

Specifically, on the 21st February 2011, several hundreds of heavily armed personnel of the Ghana Police Service were deployed at Anloga to support the purported and illegal out-dooring of Mr. Patrick Agboba as the 16th Awoamefia of Anlo in spite of pending cases in the courts, and a restraining order against the said actions of members of your government. Since then, personnel of the Police Service are routinely deployed in the performance of customary rites which we and the people of Anlo deem extremely provocative.

Presently, the rumours and propaganda going around in the Anlo Traditional area, ostensibly put out by the members of your government backing these provocative and illegal acts, is that the said unlawful act of 21st February 2011 received the full backing of yourself and your government, and hence the unlawful and provocative deployment of the Police Service to commit an act which amounts to gross disrespect of the courts and a contravention of the Constitution of Ghana.

Be that as it may, we wish to respectfully remind you of your promise and the expectations of the people of Anlo that your government and your Presidency would set up an independent committee to investigate the events of 1st November 2007 that a similar unlawful and illegal deployment of the personnel of the Police Service in the Anlo chieftaincy dispute led to the unlawful killing of four Anlos and the death of a police officer; and massive human right abuses and destruction of property in Anloga by the security services deployed in the aftermath of the violence.

To date, the promise to set up the Committee has not been fulfilled, and to the chagrin of the people of Anlo and the victims, the main protagonist and the adjunct provocateurs of the events of 1st November 2007 are walking the corridors of power of your government. Therefore, the last thing we expect from your government is a repetition of the very unlawful and illegal intervention in the dispute by the executive and the police force that led to the unfortunate events of 1st November 2007. We wish to note, that, but for the maturity and commitment of the elders of the two lineages to the rule of law, what would have happened on the 21st February 2011 at the supposed out-dooring would have been worse than 1st November 2007. Sleepless nights and hours were spent by us convincing the members of the family and the good folks of Anloga and beyond that just as illegal and unlawful use and abuse of executive power are wrong, resistance which could have brought violence and bloodshed was equally wrong, and not the way forward.

However, in view of the continuing provocative acts and the uneasy calm that is potentially dangerous to our peace and security we hereby appeal to your Presidency as follows:

1. To demonstrate to Anlos and Ghanaians your commitment to the rule of law and respect for the courts of Ghana by extending your government’s policy of non-engagement in the matter of the Ga Mantse Chieftaincy dispute to the Awoamefia Chieftaincy dispute, by distancing your government and Presidency from any support for and/or recognition of Mr. Patrick Agboba as the Awoamefia of Anlo till the final determination of the pending cases in the courts.

2. As promised, to institute an independent and public committee of enquiry into the events of 1st November 2007, and, in addition, the events of 21st February 2011, involving the blatant misuse of state resources in the illegal action of the purported out-dooring of Mr. Patrick Agboba as Awoamefia of Anlo in flagrant disrespect of the courts which could have led to serious bloodshed and loss of lives, and sanction all those found culpable.

3. To put an immediate stop to the illegal and unlawful deployment of the Police Service in support of Mr. Patrick Agboba’s provocative actions in continual disrespect to the Courts of the land and which is likely to lead to breach of the peace and security.

4. And, finally please advise the said members of your government and party to put a stop to the sponsorship in the Anlo Traditional Area of the ongoing propaganda and politicization of the Anlo chieftaincy dispute as a conflict between the NDC and the NPP; and the campaign of political hate mongering being instigated and directed at us and members of our family, our sympathizers, our lawyers and the members of the Judiciary of Ghana as belonging to the NPP.

We hope that our humble petition would find favour with your presidency to ensure that peace and security, and rule of law prevail in Anlo. Anything to the contrary and any outbreak of violence due to the continuance of the provocations, the hate mongering and the vicious political propaganda and politicization of our quest for justice and redress through the courts would be appropriately blamed on your Presidency. The events of 1st November 2007 and the deaths of innocent Anlos are still fresh in our minds.

Respectfully Yours,

Signed for Fuiga Agbeve & Adika Drafor Lineages of the Adzorvia Royal Family of Anlo

1. Amega Andrew Atsu Korkor
Head, Fuiga Agbeve Lineage

2. Amega Kenneth Bina
Principal Member, Fuiga Agbeve Lineage

3. Amega Simon Gada
Principal Member, Fuiga Agbeve Lineage

4. Amega Wisdom Baka
Principal Member, Fuiga Agbeve Lineage

5. Lt. Col.(rtd) Courage Togobo
Principal Member, Fuiga Agbeve Lineage

6. Amega C.N. Kwawukume
Head, Adika Drafor Lineage

7. Amega Yaovi Hiadedzi
Principal Member, Adika Drafor Lineage

8. Amega Agbonugla Seth Kwawukume
Principal Member, Adika Drafor Lineage

9. Amega Seth Goza
Principal Member, Adika Drafor Lineage