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Opinions of Saturday, 4 March 2017


Fun things to expect from most white weddings

two people together as one two people together as one

White wedding are all about bringing two people together as one but it's also about the guests having fun like you would not believe.

Here are five fun things you will witness at white weddings these days:

1.Wedding rings in your face.
The bride and her groom will have beautiful, brand new wedding bands and they will be happy to show it off so get ready to smile and tell them how lovely it is.

2.Dancing like there is no tomorrow.
The wedding DJ will be on point and even if you can't dance, you will learn that day. The couple is usually the first to open the dance floor and everyone else will join after.

Ladies, wear heels but also carry flats and men, get ready to take off your jackets during the boogie down.

3.Excess of food.
Food is life at white weddings. You will have choices of rice, meat and drinks to choose from. If you're lucky, they will give you a second serving and you will be on cloud nine.

4.Kissing of the highest order.
The bride and groom will kiss during the wedding and it will be any kind of kiss they like and at any time. It's usually cute watching couple's kiss and if you're the shy type, get ready to look away.

5.The bride's dress will bring tears to your eyes.
The bride's dress will be gorgeous and will blow you away and if you're not careful, you will shed tears when you see her walking down the aisle.