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Opinions of Monday, 13 July 2009

Columnist: Dabuo, Sly-joe

GTV Has Failed As a Nation's Television!

GTV which is the nation’s television must provide quality television services to the length and breath of Ghana because it is the taxes we pay as Ghanaians that is use in the establishment and operation of it.

This however is not the case. They operate contrary to their motto, ‘A nationwide coverage€. Vast areas in the three Northern Regions still do not have television coverage. In certain areas, one has to erect a pole as tall as a mast with television antenna in order to get GTV. This has rendered some citizens of this country not well informed and educated about current trends of events in the country. So, GTV can relatively be said to have a nationwide coverage with regards to other television stations in Ghana and not in the whole.

GTV, more often than not fail blatantly to broadcast programmes of national importance like the World Cup Qualifiers involving Ghana Black Stars. Whether Opium Production have bought all rights of coverage of these matches or not, there should be no reason whatsoever for GTV to deny Ghanaians the opportunity of viewing these all important matches.How many Ghanaians have satellite disk? How many have access to the other television stations in Ghana? GTV must ensure that Ghanaians have access to all the matches involving our National team and other important television programmes.

GTV now enjoys providing poor quality of service to Ghanaians especially in the Upper West Region. There is no day that, people in the Upper West Region do not experience poor picture and sound quality and the worst of it is no signal at all sometimes. Who is responsible? Are the technical men not technical?

As a nation, our only television station should be of standard. GTV is not. The young growing television stations in Ghana are even providing better services to Ghanaians than GTV. Our stakeholders should have to revamp GTV so that it can really have a nationwide coverage and provide quality service so that Ghanaians can be well informed, entertain and educated.

Dabuo Sly-joe

Wa, Upper West Region