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Opinions of Sunday, 15 September 2013

Columnist: Akpah, Prince

GTV Rated as US College TV.

It is so sad for us to work hard as a country to own a national television station and we notice recommendations from around the world are that we have being offering very poor services when we could have perform better than. The world encyclopedia, Wikipedia mentioned this and I quote ‘’and even though GTV has been around for quite a while it still has some basic broadcasting problems and this makes far from being a world class station like FOX, MNET, CNN or BBC. If this station was in America it will be on the same level with any PBS station like KILRU TV in Austin-Texas or any College TV station like UCSD TV in San Diego- California.’’

To me it was never a surprise only that I became saddened, because if you live in Ghana and you are a television freak, meaning you are addicted to watching television you would also just accept the verdict given by the supreme encyclopedia delivered to the whole world about our national television. GTV is the national television of Ghana located in Accra which was founded in 1965. But private television stations that are now celebrating 20 years and below in service to Ghanaians and other viewers across the world have perform far better and given recommendations by the same source.

What could be the problem?

This is a TV station that can’t even boast of a single produced reality show - those it broadcast are all privately produced Children’s Republic by Hallowed Kids Foundation, Miss Excel Plus, Miss Ghana, Miss Malaika etc for which they are heavily charged without mercy which have even discourage the organizers to take them off air, what a pity. In today’s world people want to see what others are doing (reality Shows), but I don’t see the progress of this station coming when they can’t provide the services that their viewers want but on what they decide in their board rooms. This is supposed to be the station of the nation, but now is classified to be the station of the ‘old citizens’. This we can confirm with Shows like the TALKING POINT which could only be branded to look youthful with a young host but not what young people would like to hear and learn from. They always end up discussing dead issues where the same guests and have discussed already on other media houses when that time could have being dedicated to more resourceful information to the viewers and fans. The question of what makes our station to be ranked that low would be one that every Ghanaian would have an answer to.

How many Ghanaians have not complained of Poor quality production, poor content and old fashioned shows?

When you talk of GTV news, it is only what most people watch but still remains to have the same content since from the time I watch what they broadcast. They need to ask themselves why standpoint has become the favorite of so many viewers, it is because it is original and discusses what we want to hear and learn only that it remains a privately produced show.

The showing of some local series and talk shows are a complete waste of our monies as Ghanaians on production and airtime, because we never end up learning anything from them. They are good but need to be rebranded with better host and contents.

This is a TV station that can’t even show an African Movie as frequent that it reserves time for international movies. And this would confirm it that when our former president passed away, at around 2:15 pm they were showing some unnecessary cartoons when children were even in school. Privately owned stations were all ready to cover any picture from anywhere they could reach and this tells you we have to make a complete makeover for this station to be re-ranked by Wikipedia. I was saddened totally when I was preparing to contest on What Do You Know quiz competition on GTV that I decided to research about them Wikipedia. Recognised as the national public broadcaster of Ghana, They also indicated they show a lot of foreign movies particularly when we are crying foul that our movie industry in running down together with culture. Even whiles preparing for the show someone who is being paid by government to do make ups was seriously sleeping that it was few minutes before the show time that she woke up to do her job and I am sure she went back to sleep too. In the studio even used for the program were borrowed chairs from other studios, which mean they don’t even have enough chairs for the audiences. Immediately after the show, they were all collected to another place. Even as contestants we were not given even water to drink nor were the production team provided with water even as they complained bitterly that during the December election coverage, cameramen were collapsing on set because of mere hunger. And that answers the question of why you dot see any adverts being played on that particular show. They lack all it’s got to become the best in Ghana.

My only recommendation is that they should retire all those old men still working there because I know some are over 65 and still occupy positions as directors and put young and creative people to turn their fortune around. Take a lesson from your children (other TV stations).

Thank you.

Akpah Prince

[email protected]