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Opinions of Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Columnist: Brenya, Joseph Osei Oppong

Gays and the Perverted angels of Africa

By Joseph Osei Oppong Brenya

Well guys today I am not on my best mood truthfully, I had this debate with my cousin about gay rights in Africa. Is it so bad to be gay? is it a curse ? , is it a disease? I mean common really!!?? I read many articles on the subject whether its surveys, religious publishing, newspapers, political reviews, Everybody in Africa is mad because gay people demand to recognize simply as people. Excuse my French but WTF?

To me it is pretty simple; let people do what they want as long as it cause you no harm period! I think we Africans are somewhat delusional , homosexuality has ALWAYS EXISTED ask your grand pa maybe he was gay (lol just kidding) ; no but for real it’s time to let go of this hypocrisy , talking about killing gays , putting them in jail and stuff like that . Will it make them LESS gay!? Really? They are human beings like any other person. It is an ugly taboo in African societies and it needs to stop.

I do understand that in most religious beliefs condemn homosexuality, and people often use the Sodom and Gomorra example in the bible; but I have a question for you: Is your religion perfect? Do not forget that it is forbidden in most religions to: Lie, steal, fornicate before marriage, kill, dishonor your parents, blaspheme etc. Now tell me, which one of these sins you have not done!? Pleaaaaase tell me!!!! I feel like we going back to the slavery era, but this time we are enslaving our own brothers and sister. How can a government pass a law against its own people based on sexual orientation?? What of human rights huh!? Ooohhh it makes me mad!!!

In most comment I read, people are talking about keeping our African cultures and tradittion intact, thats is so far the stupidest excuse I have heard so far on this subject. Who you fuck, and the way you do it has nothing nothiiiiiing to do with culture or tradition. Do You really think gay people chose to be gay? And please don’t try to tell me that it depends on the environment you grew up in because that is simply not true.

Quick story ; one of my best friend is a proudly African Gay male , and I am very proud that he owns it a 100%. He grew up in very religious Muslim family. His dad is actually an ElHadj with many wives and kids. My friend grew up with his brothers , tough guys , hard workers, passionate about sports and women; but even though my friend tried to fit in , he never succeeded . Here’s a guy who even tried to date girls but never was sexually attracted to them. So after years of suffering in silence he had to come out of the closet, of course it has been hell, til today his family is barely speaking to him, but at least he is free to be him! They say when you know yourself good enough, what you stand for, your flaws and qualities; it is very difficult for other people to bring you down. Today he is a successful young man running his own company and even created an orphanage in his country.

I am trying not to judge anybody, but I strongly believe everything is a matter of perception. All gay people do not dress or act like the opposite sex, I actually do not think it is the best way to make your point, it’s rather annoying than anything else. Lots of people ask me about my vision on gay marriage and adoption; well it is a little more delicate here’s why: It is ok for two grownups to decide to be together because they are not influencing each other. They are fully aware of they are doing, it is their choice. When it comes to adoption, it is another debate. Kids do not get to chose and that is why I am not pro adoption! As for marriage it is a civil right so i absolutely have no problem with that (although I am not a strong believer in marriage in general).

There is so much to say on this subject really that I cannot wrap it up in just one article, but here’s my final saying: It is not our responsibility to judge one another, unless your name is Jesus you have no authority on how people should or should not live their lives.


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