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Opinions of Friday, 23 July 2021

Columnist: Kofi Dake

Get involved

File photo of the Ghana flag File photo of the Ghana flag

A mid-morning sober reflection on how welcoming the future for the children in my community declined into a state of despondency.

I surmised a positive impact but quickly had to wake up from my reverie to face reality. The numerous opportunities were marred with the following questions.

1. How prepared are the minds of the prospects?
2. How accommodating is the Ghanaian system?
3. What examples are being bequeathed to the next generation?

Hapless victims of poor leadership, it echoed once again. Toying with the lives of the next generation has heightened and needs salvaging. The youth are the immediate solution. They form the greater chunk and are the most burdened; graduates without jobs and in their quest to survive, succumb to political pressures to secure political sinecures. Conscience is lost! A classic example is the shameful exuberance on social media. The banter over trivial issues to have the bragging rights_ is a factor that hinders the ultimate goal of making Ghana a better place.

Take a pause for a moment and examine your community.... are you happy with the pace of development? Religiously clothed but surrounded with filth. Egregious! We can't duck our responsibilities with prayers.

We want our country fixed, we want our leaders to be accountable but do we even know our worth? Some know their value but will undermine the associated importance just for favours. In the purview of the few purveyors of change, there is little or no support: Rather a backlash from society. They are reduced to intentions that are afoot for propagating political activities: The unbriddled innuendoes are just unbearable!

Leadership can be whipped to shape when we present value. It is time you took the issues of Ghana serious. Establish functional community groups focused on transforming your communities. Partake in community engagements with your MPs/MCEs/Assemblies. Ask them questions based on facts, not sensationalism! Pass on the statement to the politician, "you are no longer docile" When you demand value, you earn it.

This piece is to encourage and awaken the youth who have sold their conscience at the expense of the next generation; the youth who have given up on the country; those who yearn and advocate for a better system. The time is now. Get involved! Make Ghana a priority.