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Opinions of Friday, 11 November 2005

Columnist: Eyiah, Joe Kingsley

Getting Involved With Family Math/Literacy Nights ...

...At Your Children?s Schools And Some Homework Rules

Whilst it could be argued that poverty has denied some Ghanaian parents the ?power? to adequately support their children in school, many who are financially capable are often seen squandering their money on fashion, drinks, and litigation at the expense of our children?s education. We fail to invest in the future of our young ones by failing to invest in their education today. For example, some Ghanaian parents who receive regular child support (in form of money) from governments of progressive countries like Canada where they reside spend the money on themselves instead of, say, buying education insurance with such money for their little ones? future.

Some parents too have become so obsessed with their work and too greedy in their search for money that they have no time or little time for their children?s education.

Family Math/Literacy Nights:

Many schools organize Family Math or Literacy Nights in Toronto for parents to experience what their children study at school. Such school events bring students, parents and teachers together to solve various numeracy and literacy problems and experience some fun in working together in a school environment, The Brookview Middle School in the Jane/Finch where I teach on October 11, 2005 organized a Family Math Night. This event was well promoted in the community. As a result it was well attended and all the participants enjoyed their time. Parents had fruitful interaction with other parents by solving Math problems with their children under the supervision of teachers. What an involvement! Sad to say, only one Ghanaian parent out of about the fifty Ghanaian parents who have their children at Brookview attended the event. The question is; are Ghanaian parents not keen about their children?s education in a society where education is a BIG PRIVILEGE?

Or are we too busy to Care?

Schools are in session. Open days and curriculum nights are over. Teachers are teaching. However, are children in schools learning as they are supposed to? Parent interviews in the School Boards will soon come up as the first term comes to an end in November. Meanwhile, Math and Literacy Nights as well as Parent Information Nights (for Grade 8 Students) are being organized in schools. Parents take advantage of these events and demonstrate your concern for your children?s education.

If you need help in supervising your child?s homework for success the following homework rules may help.

Homework Rules:

The following notes are taken from a two-part video, 7 Steps to Good Study Habits by Coleman Corporation 1996.

1.It takes repetition to create a good habit. Forming good habits will help you throughout your entire educational career and beyond.

2. Create a Positive Attitude-approach tasks with an ?I can? rather than an ?I can?t? attitude

3. Form a partnership with your teacher or teachers to increase your goal for success

4. Set up your special study place-should be quiet, well lit, free of distractions and comfortable (although not so comfortable that you fall asleep)

5. Make a study schedule and follow it. This frees you up to be able to know what you have time for It eliminates cramming or last minute panics

Read with a system SQ3R

Survey-pay attention to titles, words in italics or bold, pictures, graphs, and charts to predict what the passage will be about

Question-turn headings into questions and try to answer the questions as you read

Read-understand the purpose for your reading

Recite-try to anticipate what the text says as you go through

Review-review to ensure you understand the information

6. Listen Actively in class

Your responsibility is to concentrate on what?s being said and nothing else Constantly refocus your mind on the topic

7. Take Great Notes-read before class so you can determine new information from the teacher?s presentation

-put a question mark beside concepts that are not clear as a reminder to ask the teacher

-date and title your notes to help you to get organized before the test write on one side of the page.

Please, parents we love to see you get involved. Our school doors are open!

Joe Kingsley Eyiah (Ph. D. Candidate)
Dept. of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning (CTL)
The Ontario Institute of Studies in Education of the University of Toronto

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