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Opinions of Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Columnist: Alhaji Alhasan Abdulai

Ghana Muslim Mission promotes education

One of the Islamic organizations currently in the lead of promoting the training of children and adults to the highest level is the Ghana Muslim Mission. Established in 1957 this organization now boasts of 110 schools across the country including kindergartens, Primary and Junior and Senior High Schools. It also plans to build two basic schools in each region.

Currently the organization has begun the construction of a university in Kumasi and has plans for a college of education and a nursing training school. All these are accomplished at huge cost through locally generated funds. The organization deserves commendation for its efforts in pooling resources locally instead of relying on funds from foreign donors.

The current Imam and acting chairman of the Ghana Muslim Mission Sheikh Dr Amin Bonsu gave reasons for the feats chalked by the mission as follows:

  • Since its establishment the organization had set out to follow the order Allah gave to mankind through Prophet Mohammed by ordering us to read (Ikra) or learn.

  • The fact that God has ordered Prophet Mohammed who was stark illiterate to read means that the pursuit of knowledge is important to Islam and mankind.

  • He said Muslims can worship their lord very well if they are enlightened and have good knowledge of Gods commandments and rules.

Through the educational institutions established by the Ghana Muslim Mission, a large number of Muslim youth have gone through secular education to the higher levels. In fact a chunk of these have landed well paid jobs in private and government sectors.

The feat chalked by the mission in education is meant to fulfill the social responsibility of Muslim Mission and to supplement the effort government in the provision of education to the people.

Apart from providing social development activities including provision of educational infrastructure and social amenities the Ghana Muslim mission has laid emphasis on moral training.

This is based on Islamic teachings and mission of the organization which is to enlighten Muslims and non Muslims about the holy Quran and the Hadith. With enlightenment acquired the Muslim students are able to live harmoniously with other religious groups for effective collaboration and development of our dear country.

As a result of the effort of the leadership and members of the Ghana Muslim Mission a large number of school going Muslims are able to pursue their studies while at the same time practice the religion in and outside schools.

Almost all the schools under the Ghana Muslim mission have mosques where the students pray regularly and receive sermons from the imams and religious leaders of the schools and the communities where the schools are located. Through the public preaching (Dawa) activities the mission has been able to gain a large membership in six 6 regions in the country namely Eastern, Central, Western, Brong Ahafo and Ashanti Regions.

In addition to this Islamic activities have been intensified in all government and private schools that have Ghana Muslim students associations GMSA. Some members of the Muslim Mission including the Acting Chairman Sheikh Dr Bonus are serve as patrons to the GMSA. This way they have helped in promoting Islamic affairs in the schools owned by the Muslim Mission and the public secular schools. This has helped improve morality in the schools and harmony between the Muslims and the non Muslims in the schools

Executive Director


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