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Opinions of Thursday, 18 February 2010

Columnist: The Royal Enoch

Ghana My Precious

I am drifting on an ocean full of memories

Memories of yawing mornings after a good night sleep

Memories of a tiring feet after a long stroll

Memories of distant shores and unfamiliar places

Memories of broken hearts yet to heal

Memories of distant planets and stars in transit

Memories of sunrises and golden sunsets

Memories of past encounters and after lives

Memories of my broken life's debris

I am beginning to see clearer now

The wool has been lifted from my eyes

Fear no longer commands me

She only reminds me of the master in me

Tears no longer well in my eyes

Misery no longer accompanies me

I feel somehow reborn

So close the door and let the past pass

For life has been too long waiting

It's strange how forgetful I have become

Time has a funny way of erasing memories

But how refreshing it is

When you're no longer stuck in the past

When you only build to last

When time ticks fast and you with it

When you win and you are in it

When the future calls and you answer

Your bags packed and you are ready to go

Yes I remember you from a long time ago

There you stood amidst the crowd

I was leaving not knowing when I would be back

You said I shouldn't forget to call home

I lost your number but I didn't 4get you

Then again how could I

You are my mother

You are strength

You are my friend

All that I have I bring home to you

To you Ghana my precious