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Opinions of Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Columnist: Mr. Bombs

Ghana Registered Nurses Association - Any Future?

Opinion Opinion

As I walked through the corridors of the out-patient department of my District Hospital to my office on one Thursday morning, I overheard some aggrieved nurses talking bitterly about the greed nature of the above-mentioned association.

Scrapes of the story emanated from their jaw-jawing indicated that, they pay dues every blessed month. My checks from the association also pointed out that, members of the association will continue to pay dues until retirement or "odomankoma wuo"[death] will do them apart.

The bone of contention here does not lie in the payment of dues.Of course, as a respectful, if you like, a law abiding citizen, you owe allegiance to any recognized association at all that you are part of.What sets my medulla oblongata working assiduously is the amount of money the "top- gurus"pay to the rank & files as compensation in times of retirement & or death.

After attending to over one hundred family planning clients, polymyalgia, malaise & stress wouldn't allow me to go home immediately. I sat in the comfort of my office to take a nap. It was during the course of my napping that the popular bird "aserewa" whispered into my ears that the GHANA REGISTERED NURSES ASSOCIATION [RGN] pays the family of a deceased member ¢1,000.00.

Hmmm....."asem ara nko".As I put my pen to my paper this morning, my unit in-charge told me point blank that,GRNA is not our employer, agreed. My fellow noble professionals, what happens to the chunk of money accrued in the name of dues?When I look into my social well-fair lenses, I come to accept the fact that GRNA is suppose to fight for the well-fair for nurses. But the question I want to ask is,is GRNA actually fighting for the well-fair of nurses?

The last time I checked, GRNA became more than the word"mute"when medical doctors set the entire nation ablaze in the name of "better conditions of service".Information reaching my ofaltory system indicates that, some junior nurses had threatened to go on strike over this same conditions of service but some members of the association were slapped with brown envelopes to silence them.

I thought the word "corruption" only existed in our judicial system? Or, is it because the investigative commando Ana's Aremeyaw Anas has not captured them?Folks, I am even afraid oo. Anyway, that will be another topic for another day.

Your excellency president of GRNA [Mr Kwaku Asante],on behalf of a greater segment of nurses in my part of the World withing which I stand as the "primus intaparis",I do humbly greet and urge you to use your office judiciously since it plays a catalytic role as far as TRANSFORMATION is concern. A word to the wise is ........
God bless all my readers,God bless mother Ghana.