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Opinions of Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Columnist: Sangaparee, Clement

Ghana Sits On A Time Bomb

The task of governing is so awesome and complicated that it cannot be a ONE MAN’S BUSINESS.
No one can claim to do it all alone on this Earth.
You have to get a team of honest patriots.
Anytime I decide to write, I remind people that it is NOT JUST THE ONE PERSONALITY ELECTED AS PRESIDENT no matter how good that person may be, because you need to know who are truly with you. The Presidency is NOT A THRONE YOU ASCEND. It is the PEOPLE’S SEAT and you DO NOT GET TO IT BY BIRTH AS THE NPP FALSELY BELIEVE.
You get to it BY CONVINCING THE PEOPLE that when they entrust you with the responsibility, you will deliver. Anybody with the right to vote CARRIES SOME OF THE POWER YOU WILL NEED AND YOU HAVE TO CONVINCE THEM NOT INTIMIDATE OR THREATEN THEM WITH DEATH IF THEY DON’T VOTE FOR YOU, AS THE VIOLENT PRONE NPP LEADERS HAVE BEEN DOING. The majority would go out and vote massively for you to become President based on your campaign message of Peace, Unity and the issues you raise about the national economy devoid of threats and intimidations and this explains why President Mahama was able to use only 40days to campaign and beat Nana Akuffo Addo of the NPP in the 2012 general elections. President Mahama could not even visit some of the constituencies and Districts in Ghana yet he beat the NPP in those areas hands down.
You should rather have a balance between the Political Parties and opt for where your view points are shared.
You should go out to talk to the people and try to convince them, should you not get it, don’t lose hope – just revisit your plans and work out your blue print well, and you will eventually succeed.
Given what I am seeing, I believe that FLOATING VOTERS would DO FAR BETTER in a political party than REMAINING NEUTRAL during general elections. Dear reader, if you are convinced, then the advice I would give you is to JOIN THE GRASSROOT PRO-PEOPLE NDC which is ALWAYS FOR THE PEOPLE AND ALWAYS FOR DEVELOPMENT – IS THAT CLEAR?

Some politicians in Ghana are still in the business of deliberately preaching HATRED, busily exploiting ETHNICITY, REGIONALISM AND RELIGIOUS GROUPS by using members of the AKAN NEWSCASTERS UNION (ANCU) through their FM Radio Stations just to win political power come 2016 and we sit here and think that Ghana’s democratic credentials are INTACT. This falsehood and wrong perception of Ghana as a front runner state is not doing us any good since we are playing the ostrich. Dear reader, if you doubt it, then I dare tell you that if the General Secretary of the NPP had not been tamed by the Supreme Court together with his comrade-in-tongue Hopeson Adorye, Ghana would have been in flames by now. In the sub-region, every single CIVIL WAR had started with ELECTIONS. In December 2008, we in Ghana just managed to scrap through NARROWLY, and yet, we are NOT LEARNING OUR LESSONS. We must ask OURSELVES TOUGH QUESTIONS whether we are doing what is RIGHT for this country to SURVIVE DEMOCRATICALLY – I DOUBT IT ANYWAY. It will be recalled that when the Time Table For Election 2012 was made clearer, political Actors had stepped up their game of INCITING PEOPLE AGAINST OTHERS JUST FOR VOTES AND THEY DID NOT CARE IF SUCH PEOPLE KILL THEMSELVES.

When such politicians meet their development partners, they speak a different language, but when they are in public or on radio, they sing a different tune and when they meet their party supporters in secret, they say all sorts of dangerous things including INCITING THEM TO ATTACK THEIR POLITICAL OPPONENTS. They do not care about the FUTURE of this country and are prepared to KILL TO GET POLITICAL POWER and I am referring to no other political party than the NPP LED BY Nana Akuffo Addo since 2008 and 2012. Now that he had lost elections thrice to the NDC, the leadership of the NPP has reverted to its National Chairman – Jake Obtseby Lamptey. You may not understand the reason why I said Nana Akuffo Addo lost thrice to the NDC, here are the facts – he was beaten by Professor Mills in 2008, and again beaten by President Mahama in 2012 – he rushed to the Supreme Court with a Petition praying the court to annul 4million votes belonging to President Mahama and rather declare him as the elected President but the Petition was rightly dismissed by the Supreme Court and he escaped to Britain to cover his face with shame after unwillingly accepting defeat and congratulating the President. Now, the time had come for all the political parties to be compelled to DISCLOSE THEIR SOURCES OF FUNDING since some of them use DRUG MONEY accrued from the sale of Narcotics to FUND THEIR CAMPAIGNS.
We cannot and will never be able to eliminate Election Related violence and Civil Strife in West Africa and Ghana in particular if we fail to address the above important issues raised, that is why Ghana sits on a Time Bomb. Is anybody Listening? I am done, “Jaanbie Iwaii” - “Aluta Continua!


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