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Opinions of Thursday, 4 January 2024

Columnist: Dr. John-Baptist Naah

Ghana badly needs a reset after President Akufo-Addo; former President Mahama fits the bill

Former President, John Mahama Former President, John Mahama

After the non-conformist leaders in the USA and Brazil under President Donald J. Trump and President Jair Bolsonaro rules respectively, the people of their respective countries reset their governance. There is good reason to do so to ensure countries do not reach their tipping points and overturn democracies.

Ghana deserves a similar treatment of resetting the button of governance after President Akufo-Addo for sustainable and inclusive development under the most experienced and affable former President Mahama in 2025.

Honestly, if there is any Political Party that wants to solve the two-term puzzle and make history in the Fourth Republican dispensation in Ghana, it should not and cannot be this governing NPP government led by the Akufo-Addo-Bawumia-led regime in a free and fair political contest. This is partly because this regime is the most disappointing regime witnessed so far in the Fourth Republic.

Historically, former President Rawlings of the NDC and, and former President Kufour of the NPP did quite well in their second terms, but their respective favourite successors (running mates) and Parties were not successful in 2000, and 2008 General elections respectively. This does not favour Dr. Bawumia in 2024.

The combined governments of former Presidents Mills, and Mahama are an outlier since intra-NDC Party changes happened and the latter succeeded Prof. Mills of blessed memory. However, the second term attempt of former President Mahama was declined as it was the same NDC administration from 2009 to 2016 despite massive infrastructural developments then.

It is a very remote dream for the NPP to even contemplate solving the two-term puzzle in 2024 with President Akufo-Addo and Dr. Bawumia, his Vice whose performance in government in their last term takes a nosedive.

Let me briefly outline some reasons why this governing NPP Party cannot ‘Break the 8’ without any ‘Mafia’ work as described by the outgone COP Mensah during the Parliamentary probe of the sensational Naa Bugri Naabu – IGP leaked tap last year.

Ghana’s 30-year Parliamentary democracy is a saving grace and citizens will make sure that no Mafia works prevail during the upcoming General elections since the power of the thumb of the people is very powerful.

The two terms of President Akufo-Addo and his vice, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia have a plethora of bad records that are worth remembering in this New Election Year 2024.

When President Akufo-Addo started his first term in 2017 with a bloated government and well-meaning Ghanaians expressed concerns, he was emphatic that he was in a hurry and needed more appointees to work with.

Despite his elephant-size government, we are still witnessing even worse economic and general hardships emanating from unreasonably high government expenditure, inflation, exchange rate, default in external debt payment, unsustainable debt accumulation, too much corruption, poor security, and bad infrastructure e.g., roads, schools, health facilities, etc.

Furthermore, the unfulfilled 1:1 promises of the governing NPP government under the leadership of President Akufo-Addo and his Vice, Dr. Bawumia further made the plights of Ghanaians miserable.

This Akufo-Addo-Bawumia-led government is highly nepotistic and full of family and friends thus enabling too many corruption scandals in Ghana. The sheer Arrogance of this govt is visible!

Ghana is experiencing a combination of bad governance, unmotorable roads, worsening youth unemployment, an ailing economy, faulting debt obligations to external Creditors, insecurity issues, etc. under the Akufo-Addo-Bawumia’s regime, and there is an urgent need to reset it. The country is unfortunately moving in the wrong direction on various fronts as mentioned above, which is negatively affecting the very fabric of our nation.

We should, therefore, get the right leader through the upcoming General elections to reset Ghana for transformative, inclusive, and sustainable development. The person who fits the bill in this regard is former President John Dramani Mahama (fondly called JDM). Here is Why JDM.

Looking at the main Presidential contenders in the 2024 General elections, namely JDM, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia of the NPP and Alan John Kojo Kyeremanteng of the ‘Butterfly’ Movement of the NPP stock, JDM is the most experienced, truthful, visionary, humble and accommodating leader that the Fourth Republican dispensation has produced so far.

Also, as a former President, JDM has proven himself as a Nation Builder through his visible infrastructural development and selfless leadership across the length and breadth of this country.

Former President John Dramani Mahama is a better fit for return to the Presidency after President Akufo-Addo is gone because he has rich experiences and learnt useful lessons through deep reflections in Opposition for 8 years.

JDM also currently told Ghanaians that the next NDC government would finish all abandoned projects before starting new ones as well as deliberately introducing the 24-Hour Economy and other transformative ideas and energized team to manage the affairs of Ghana for a better future for all Ghanaians.

Above all, JDM is the only Ghanaian who will effectively apply crisis management techniques after Nana Akufo-Addo to handle Ghana better than any Presidential Candidate in the upcoming national elections.

Without any scintilla of doubt, JDM is the one that Ghana badly needs for the resetting agenda after 2024 as he did it before and will do it far better when he returns to the Jubilee House.